Can anyone help me out with a query?
Just wondering how many female pilots there are working worldwide. I know of about three in Durban that I read an article on recently and have been told of at least one in Holland, Brazil and in UK.
Can anyone help me out with a query?
Just wondering how many female pilots there are working worldwide. I know of about three in Durban that I read an article on recently and have been told of at least one in Holland, Brazil and in UK.
The Maryland pilots have 2 and the VA pilots have one.
San Francisco Bar Pilots 1
Columbia River Bar Pilots 1
Columbia River Pilots 1 + 1 trainee
Crescent River Port Pilots 1
New Orleans to Baton Rouge Pilots 1
Pt. Everglades has 1 & NY has 1 & an a apprentice.
Thanks for the replies, as far as I know I’m the only one in the UK and often get asked by ships Captains how many female pilots there are as they have either never seen any before or only one or two. It will be nice to have an informed answer for them as well as interesting for me professionally.
New York has one + two apprentices as of Oct. 2010
Delaware has a few. Three or four I think.
Mombasa, Kenya has one as trainee. Middle East ports - zero.
There is one in Trinidad named Annmarie. A good pilot and a super person. She started as a purser.
SE Alaska has 2.
Rumor has it that the Puget Sound Pilots are trying to get more women to apply to their next exam, fall 2012.
In my years at sea I have never encountered a female pilot ( other than on an airplane).
Glad to see more and more in the industry, pilots or whatever.
we have two great girl pilots and soon a third one in the st. lawrence river in canada
[B]1 in Tampa, Fl[/B]
Just heard one on the radio in Houston
there are a handful of female captains/pilots here on the great lakes!
At Brazil 7 already piloting plus 5 training.
Well that was 10 years ago so….