Just thinking out of the box. Does anyone think the oil price plunge was deftly “orchestrated” to collectively bring the wages down, and most importantly, drive mariners away from the industry to help facilitate the slow dismantling of the Jones Act. We all know the BIG corporations possess a majority of the wealth on this planet and are the driving force behind a world government in order to make even more money and control the masses. I’m sure all the owners would love to have a crew that costs half of what current and past wages are. I have also heard that the Trans Pacific Parternship Treaty (TPP) has requirements that a permits foreign workers to work on domestic vessels. I have not been able to verify this, because no one is allowed to view the proposed treaty, Kinda sounds like Obamacare…we gotta pass it to see whats in it thing. I have heard that the TPP is over 2,000 pages long.
Whacha think???
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C Capee, I know you will have some goooood 411 on this…anxiously awaiting your articulate response!!!
[QUOTE=skip jiblet;173703]Just thinking out of the box. Does anyone think the oil price plunge was deftly “orchestrated” to collectively bring the wages down, and most importantly, drive mariners away from the industry to help facilitate the slow dismantling of the Jones Act.[/QUOTE]
No. Jones Act crew costs aren’t even on the radar of a global oil market.
[QUOTE=skip jiblet;173703]We all know the BIG corporations possess a majority of the wealth on this planet and are the driving force behind a world government in order to make even more money and control the masses.[/QUOTE]
Really? We know this?
[QUOTE=skip jiblet;173703]I’m sure all the owners would love to have a crew that costs half of what current and past wages are.[/QUOTE]
No shipowner comes anywhere near qualifying as a BIG company.
Global oil couldn’t give two shits about the jones act. It’s just one of hundreds if not thousands of things they deal with like anything else. There are many more pervasive laws or regulations they’d rather eliminate.
[QUOTE=skip jiblet;173703]Just thinking out of the box. Does anyone think the oil price plunge was deftly “orchestrated” to collectively bring the wages down, and most importantly, drive mariners away from the industry to help facilitate the slow dismantling of the Jones Act. We all know the BIG corporations possess a majority of the wealth on this planet and are the driving force behind a world government in order to make even more money and control the masses. I’m sure all the owners would love to have a crew that costs half of what current and past wages are. I have also heard that the Trans Pacific Parternship Treaty (TPP) has requirements that a permits foreign workers to work on domestic vessels. I have not been able to verify this, because no one is allowed to view the proposed treaty, Kinda sounds like Obamacare…we gotta pass it to see whats in it thing. I have heard that the TPP is over 2,000 pages long.
Whacha think???
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C Capee, I know you will have some goooood 411 on this…anxiously awaiting your articulate response!!![/QUOTE]
You can bet there are political undercurrents working to shape economic forces on their behalf, but I doubt world oil came together to simply attack the Jones act.
Although the elite movers and shakers of the world no doubt shape the world economies, but I’d say more times than not they are reactionary at best.
Most of the attacks on the Jones act are aimed at the build requirements. No one that I know of is openly working to dismantle Manning requirements.
As for the TPP, many pages have just been released. Check these out:
[QUOTE=lm1883;173736]I think the TISA (Trade In Service Agreement) is where U.S. Jones Act will be discussed. Stay tuned for that one.[/QUOTE]
True. TPP is just a bill of rights for corporations which in some cases, if passed, will supersede the laws, constitutions etc., of the countries that agree. The TPP agreement has VERY little to do with TRADE per se.
[QUOTE=skip jiblet;173703]Just thinking out of the box. Does anyone think the oil price plunge was deftly “orchestrated” to collectively bring the wages down, and most importantly, drive mariners away from the industry to help facilitate the slow dismantling of the Jones Act. We all know the BIG corporations possess a majority of the wealth on this planet and are the driving force behind a world government in order to make even more money and control the masses. I’m sure all the owners would love to have a crew that costs half of what current and past wages are. I have also heard that the Trans Pacific Parternship Treaty (TPP) has requirements that a permits foreign workers to work on domestic vessels. I have not been able to verify this, because no one is allowed to view the proposed treaty, Kinda sounds like Obamacare…we gotta pass it to see whats in it thing. I have heard that the TPP is over 2,000 pages long.
Whacha think???
Updated - - -
C Capee, I know you will have some goooood 411 on this…anxiously awaiting your articulate response!!![/QUOTE]
Wikileaks released some documents from the treaty talks. It’s TISA annex on international maritime transport services. It is a proposal document, but the international transport workers federation issued an analysis of the document and warned that it’s implications could be devastating. Now I’m not sure how far reaching, but nonetheless, the TISA is to be watched closely.
BTW, contact your senators and congressmen, let them know you will never vote for them if they support these agreements.