LinkedIn/instagram connection?

Reading the latest on the Ice Breaker thread there was mention whatever was answered to was also sent to …instagram?, or linked in etc. I like to know who the audience is. In this case I talk with mostly retired professional mariners, some of whom I’ve sailed with.
Is this (g capt) now linked to ‘outside’ entities?

Not gcaptain forum linking to other sites, it’s the other way round.

Here’s a DIYer:

Here’s some more info:

thx, didn’t realize this. Too bad popular media doesn’t consult G capt. more when there are maritime news!

for a retired cme who gets along with E mail ok, much else is a reach, especially considering govt. censoring, protocols, and ‘new think’, I’m ok with where I am.
The next generation can learn it all over again!

by the way timvardy, stop by more often. I don’t think there is a better place for real mariners, or for ‘others’ to get the real news.

Although the forum is public, one of the reasons why I don’t post latest news, my personal professional insights etc. to certain threads is that “The Eazy Cadet” instantly scrapes off and tweets every post:

I don’t want to attract extra attention to my writings here and, as someone who also runs a Twitter account, I don’t want to generate content for someone else.