Is there any definition to "Nautical Science"

He belongs here, you don’t. He earned the right to make snide comments, you haven’t.

Now go away and stay away.


I was wandering that professors in the nautical academies could have this issue sorted out.

Not sure what your getting at but the academies give degrees in Nautical Science so presumably they have developed a curriculum, standards and so forth.

This page link below has pertinent information about a Nautical Science degree. There are bullet points below the Learning Outcome candidate sections to include: knowledge, skills, and general competence. These might be helpful to you?

@avarela I was wondering are you currently employed as a professor? You seem to be very educated.


Go away.

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I am Reserve Navy Captain, just returnd to the Naval Academy as professor. I also link very often with the Nautical school for the merchant officers,but they don’t have solved this issue, and neihter have we at the academy. I believe there is a need to have a framework for this.
Thank you for your information

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No problem. You can put some of that info together and enhance upon it from multiple resources to support development. Like for an example the IMO. This should give you the framework. The definition of nautical science might not be best described with a short description and can be broken down into multiple subcategories due to its complexity. I hope to see your progress in the future.

Cheers from this side of the pond.

enjoyed this nice debate

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