Is NOAA on the chopping block?

Apparently Musk and his band of kids are at the NOAA headquarters
Agenda 2025 calls for the agency to be broken up.

Looks like it as NOAA is on project 2025 agenda. News reports say president Musk’s DOGE [dangerous oligarchs grabbing everything] kids went past security and got into headquarters. Co-president Trump appointed Jacobs to head NOAA recently so the timing is right. Remember he was the guy who went after National Hurricane Center professionals when they criticized Trump moving a hurricane’s path with a sharpie. Project 2025 is progressing as planned. MARAD is also in the cross hairs.

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That’s what I hear

NOAA does a lot of good and essential things, like weather monitoring and forecasting, that must continue, but NOAA also has a lot of wasteful inefficiencies that should be eliminated.

For example: The NOAA Corp, a military uniformed service, of toy soldiers, to crew the NOAA ships should be eliminated.

The NOAA ships and ocean research should probably by outsourced to WHOI, Scripts, Universities, and private companies (I hate to say it, but - Crowley, Chouest, etc).

Since Musk is in the Space business, that’s probably where his focus will be.

MARAD is a poster boy for do nothing government agencies. It needs to be in the crosshairs. The ship model collection can be moved to the Smithsonian.


I guess we don’t need to update charts anymore then


Or have weather forcasts


They’ve been wanting to privatize the NWS for years. Lots of money to be made. Commodity brokers, farmers and many others depend on long range NWS models. News programs could buy weather subscriptions for their daily news etc., etc. Accu-Weather wants this bad as there is money to be made. It’s listed in Project 2025’s goals. More fun to come it’s only been 3 weeks !



“Elections have consequences.”

Not all of them, there’s Democrat National Primaries that really don’t mean anything.


You just don’t understand. The only way to save our democracy is to ignore the will of the people who voted in the democrat primaries and install a candidate who polled at less than 1% in the previous presidential primaries via an internal party coup.


It reads like some Trump cult members kissed more than their demigod’s ring …



Why not use CG licensed deck officers instead, like NOAA does for the engine room officers?

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That’s not really a response, it’s just a question to a question

This was attempted 30 years ago by Al Gore while Clinton was president. But NOAA Corps lobbyists [bagmen] stopped it.

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If NOAA is up for scrutiny by the Trump administration I would guess it’s because they participate in the global warming myth making rather than their normal short-term forecasts and data gathering. Please note, I said “I would guess”.

All western climate bureaucracies do the same. They establish a good reputation doing the daily forecast work and then get themselves a super computer which they stuff with data and a simple but wrong assumption that CO2 (just the man-made stuff, not the 96% natural component) causes not just global warming but catastrophic global boiling.

They are simply wrong but have found that they can squeeze more money out of their employers if they big-up the global boiling fairy tale and publish horror stories of forthcoming doom and conflagration. If they ever told the truth that there was no man-made global warming, their budgets and international standing on the gabfest circuits would plummet. Their bids for their new super-dooper-computer would be rejected.

You do know that no peer reviewed scientific study has ever linked man-made emissions of CO2 ( or those other minor contributors) to global temperatures. Prove me wrong.

Australia’s very own Bureau of Meteorology is a local example for me. Generally they produce good daily forecasts and can even get it right a few more days ahead. But any comparison of their seasonal guesses with what subsequently eventuated shows that no one should believe them and farmers, for example, should actually plan for the opposite.

The BOM forecast a much drier than average season a while ago and graziers nation wide consequently reduced herd sizes in anticipation, taking serious losses in the glut of the market. The wet season that followed was a bumper for those with stock with record pastures and dams full. BOM said their computer got it wrong. No, their assumptions force fed into their computers were wrong.

Their computers have revised national Australian historic temperature data three times now and have magically produced stronger and stronger warming trends in the official data set contrary to actual pen and ink recordings taken conscientiously for decades which show cooling or flat trends. The computers reject actual data in favour of assumptions. Record high and low temperatures recorded by hand are removed and homogenised by reference to stations hundreds of miles away. They’ve trained their computer to cheat. Ask me for proof.

So I welcome a closer scrutiny of NOAA to get them to stick to what they know. All scientists should expect a scientific organisation to follow the scientific method and be open to peer review and scrutiny of their data and assumptions and algorithms.


As far as the NWS apparently the plan is for the NWS to collect weather data and private companies to sell the forecasts to the public

Michael Lewis wrote about this back in 2018 in his book The Fifth Risk

Myers is the CEO of private forecasting company Accuweather and Trump’s pick to take over the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),

“By the 1990s, Barry Myers was arguing with a straight face that the national weather service should be, with one exception, entirely forbidden from delivering any weather-related knowledge to any American who might otherwise wind up a paying customer of Accuweather,” says Lewis.

From here.

Anyone remember the attempt by private forecast companies to remove the depiction of the trough axis from the NWS’ upper air charts?


I remember that book an excellent read.
The Dept of Education seems to be in the Muskateers cross hairs next because who needs public education? Just send your children to private schools like the oligarchs do.

Recently the Muskateers visited the CDC , Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Also, DOGE officials have also sought access to payment and contracting systems across the Department of Health and Human Services that control hundreds of billions of dollars in annual payments to health-care providers, and they appear to have gained access to at least some of those systems.
Who knows what these young hackers have done within the IT systems thus far?
Interesting times. Reminds me of when Putin sold Russia to his oligarch buddies.


Yes or no question: Does each state have a dept of education?

Does each state also have municipal or county level school districts?


I think the right question would be: Yes or No; is education designated a federal responsibility in the constitution?

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