"Increase in Scope" - Changing routes

I am looking for some clarification on getting Near Coastal / Oceans on my cred. I currently hold a Master 100 ton - WR. In the CFR there is no definitive line about time spent on Western Rivers and how it translates towards adding Near Coastal to my license.

Does anyone have experience transferring from WR to NC? What are my requirements for sea service to transfer? Thanks for any info.

The only Western Rivers licenses I’m aware of are towing licenses. Are you leaving out the “of Towing Vessels” portion of your license?

License are issued Western Rivers for those who have only served on the Western Rivers. To get Master Near Coastal you will need to serve 360 days on deck of a vessel in Near Coastal routes. Mate would be half that.

I fixed that for you.

Please don’t put words in my mouth. I know several people who hold Wester Rivers licenses that are not towing endorsed.

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The Coast Guard doesn’t issue them. I think your are confusing mate and master for RIVERS, which the USCG does issue, with “western rivers.”

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§11.459 Requirements for national endorsement as master or mate on rivers.

(a) An applicant for an endorsement as master of river self-propelled vessels of unlimited tonnage must meet the same service requirements as master of inland self-propelled vessels of unlimited tonnage.

(b) An applicant for an endorsement as master or mate of river self-propelled vessels, with a limitation of 25 to 1,600 GRT, must meet the same service requirements as those required by this subpart for the corresponding tonnage Great Lakes and inland self-propelled endorsement. Service on the Great Lakes is not, however, required.

What the hell is the purpose of this endorsement? Doesn’t inland (and ocean and NC) already include rivers?

[quote="portofdc, post:7, topic:51012, full:
What the hell is the purpose of this endorsement? Doesn’t inland (and ocean and NC) already include rivers?

By that logic, what’s the point of inland and near coastal endorsements, since they are included in oceans? If your answer is navigation, then you know part of the answer to your own question.

I still do not understand. Rivers are - by definition - inland navigable waters, and therefore service upon rivers should count as service towards an inland license. Other than section 11.459 posted above, I don’t think I’ve seen any reference to qualifications upon rivers (outside of towing). So, if the sea service requirements are the same, why would one want a rivers endorsement over an inland endorsement?

Edit: I just re-read your post. Are you saying that the test is different (perhaps no plotting), and this appeals to some mariners?

It’s different. Among the differences, it uses “maps” not charts.

As far as rivers “by definition” being inland, “near coastal” is by definition, oceans. See the definition in 46 CFR 10.107.

Hopefully he’ll believe you.