I renewed the mains (4) and journal inserts (2 of 3) on my now infamous old excavator and got to #3 and discovered it’s toast.
live and learn always… wtf didn’t i grab #3 and shake the piss out of it first?
now i am looking for a in the block crank shaft grinder. I could tear this thing all the way down to the last washer but i think i’d like to have a intheblock crank grinder? besides, another crank might not be as good as this one, i don’t think it got very hot.
How many you guys got?
so this is the strange wizardry you speak of?..I don’t get it
anyway, keep the questions coming kids
-Capt. Science
Have a look at this, at least will it polish the crankpin in situ.
but that is not in situ (in the block) it is on a lathe
two totally different aminals
Of course you are right. But it might give an idea how the task could be started. I don’t know how much space there is through the crankcase doors or if the block can be removed . A spark to kindle the fire of imagination.
More like the smoke of fantasy … have you ever seen a 3-53? What you are suggesting is like pulling a piston through the airbox.
I suggest the OP just bite the bullet and either get it rebuilt for a couple of thousand, find a running takeout, or send the crank out for a grind or replacement.
Throwing parts at a broken machine is a waste of time and money and it just annoys the machinery.
Yes Steamer, you’re correct and the peace of mind as one continues to run
the engine trouble free always pays off but if I could only send you a pic
of this POS you’d see it is only worth scrap value, besides, it is used
mostly on the ranch here which i get nothing out of monetarily so I am
loathe to spend much on this thing.
The experience and possession of having a Winona grinder or facsimile is
about equal to spending $ on another crank (probably more) … about
$500-700 to turn this, maybe $800 for a used one which no one knows how hot
it got (mine didn’t get very warm) or a couple thou for a new one?
So my ‘yard ornament’ sits in the driveway awaiting a decision… i’m
running a couple adds for a grinder and if i don’t find one my guess is
i’ll end up buying another crank and rod and tearing the engine all the way
down but right now i’m tired of it and making arrangements to use another
machine to dig footings.
forget the Intheblock grinder as a cost effective option unless you have more cash than sense
Other ideas.
The guys I liked most in the middle of nowhere were the ones with no ideas but bright minds -
nice photos oildrop, I like the looks of that brass fixture!, the ‘starbrigth’ zorb-alls was worth a laugh since we all use them by the pallet load.
This is actually a common repair method for medium speed diesels and larger. I have been involved with in-place machining for crankshaft repairs both as a Class Surveyor and an adjuster. There are situations where the journal is too deeply fractured/gouged to allow in place machining and the crankshaft has to be replaced.
Isn’t this what Goltens has offered for years?: http://www.goltens.com/in-situ-machining/the-in-situ-machining-expert
Also Metalock in the UK - we had some ships with Daihatsu gennies and they were forever throwing rods and scoring journals. The Metalock team became almost permanent features going from ship to ship.
The Metalock process was originally invented in USA in 1937, but now used worldwide.
Here is a brief history: http://www.metalockinternational.org/history.html
No grinder on the horizon so I’ve decided to buy another crank … about $500? .020 & .020 /// …yes, this in block grinding is common but not so much on these small engines anymore.
hopefully, next time i write will be to say how it’s running , (finally) since last october.
Good luck, you got it.