What solutions have I offered?
True but I seem to be the only person able to get thousands of people to watch a 44-minute video on the topic, post memes about it, argue about it at length on social media and forums, burn me in effigy, and post their experiences and new ideas.
I’m not calling for industry unity. I’m calling for people to come together to figure out how to unify the industry.
And you’re taking my comments way to literally. A giant “Megacorp Union” is about the dumbest idea I’ve ever seen posted on this site. That’s why I posted it.
Are the biggest enemy is not congress or Cato. Our biggest enemy is the fact most mariners don’t really care. Most are happy putting a few bucks towards their PAC and hoping for the best. My job, the whole purpose of gCaptain, isn’t to dictate my view of the world it’s getting people to care. It’s to get people to stand up and take notice of what’s happening in our industry.
I want criticism. That’s the whole point of all this. That’s why I’m still debating you.
But I do wish you’d stop attacking me and start attacking my ideas. Not that I mind the personal attacks but they are against forum policy.
No, I’m not dismissing any ideas. I am debating them but I am taking notes.
Yes, I am dismissing the current methods. When you try an experiment the same way countless times over the period of decades and keep getting the same result (FAILURE) what other logical conclusion is there to make?