I don’t know if anybody here has worked on AHTSs of the UT 704?
It is regarded as the forerunner of all modern OSVs and the Chief Designer at Ulstein Trading at the time, Sigmund Borgundvaag, as the Grandfather of the modern OSV. He received his just reward at the OSV Conferance in London in 2014: http://www.shipsnostalgia.com/guides/UT_704_Anchor-Handling_Tug/Supply_Vessel
But where did he get his inspirations from? Tidewater ordered two AHTS from Ulstein in the early 1970s, the Mammouth Tide:
Yes the Ebb Tide was the first, but does not have much resemblance to the modern day OSVs used world wide:
I actually worked with one of these early Tidewater boats in S.E.Asia in 1970, called the Missouri, but better known as the “Mighty Mou” (or however it should be spelled)
There were several with the straight bow and no flare. I remember the Rig Service and one that had been converted to Seismic, called the Rio das Contas. All built in the late 1950s or early 1960s.
Back in 1970 I served as Navigator on the next version, the earl Halter Marine boats from the mid 1960s, with 16- 1800 IHK:
I know it doesn’t look much like the UT 704, but it owe a lot to that design still.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, diesel electric with those six azimuthing thrusters, three fore and three aft, SPS code notation with exemptions up the wazoo for carrying what, 800 folks? Swimming pools, SOLAS passenger standards of stability and compensated heave gangway and cranes, I can see the UT 704 relation… No, wait, I can’t. She’s built on cruise vessel and mega yacht designs. The UT 704 approximates the Ebb Tide more than this thing relates to the UT 704.
But, no, no American owner or shipyard would try. We’d git er done with portable quarters on the original ebb tide and charge the same day rate as this monster. Cost savings would be enormous.
Yes I see what you meen, Edda Fides must really smell like a gorilla cage after a while. It have the same standard as our prisons, better treat those offshore monkeys like the prisoners they are.
The Edda Fides is out of the GoM and back in Norway without a job.
What do they do, put her into “Fjord Blue” and wait for someone to want her back in the GoM?
NO THEY DON"T, they create a niche market for her as a Cruise ship: http://norwaytoday.info/travel/new-cruise-deals-north-sea/
If you haven’t seen enough Oil & Gas Fields, or lived the luxurious Offshore life, now you can get the experience. (Without being paid, that is)
For those who haven’t had the honour to see her, or living on board, while she was working in the GoM, here is a video for you: https://vimeo.com/107226713
[QUOTE=c.captain;185812]and don’t y’all be comin on back!
dya hear?[/QUOTE]
No I don’t think they want to. After having managed to get rid of the “gorilla cage” smell and the tobacco spittle, it is not something that is uppermost on the wish list of those who had to do the cleaning at least.
[QUOTE=ombugge;185813]No I don’t think they want to. After having managed to get rid of the “gorilla cage” smell and the tobacco spittle, it is not something that is uppermost on the wish list of those who had to do the cleaning at least.[/QUOTE]
here I am caught in the middle between filthy dippin Southern cretins and stuck up anal retentive Norwegians…which is worse?
[QUOTE=c.captain;185816]here I am caught in the middle between filthy dippin Southern cretins and stuck up anal retentive Norwegians…which is worse?[/QUOTE]
Since you are a asshole I would think you feel right at home with us Norwegians.