Fuel barge grounded near Tuk


20,000 ltrs.? That is not much of a cargo for what looks like a fairly large barge. I believe this barge was used for lightering. It may have been empty except for “unpumpable”?

I think so. I think she might have been on her way home from Cambridge Bay on Victoria Island. Something to do with the gold mine there.

The tug fathom wave towed that barge up from Vancouver BC just this last month and dumped her tow wire on the bottom before leaving port. The barge is owned by Harley Marine US not sure if it’s chartered or what.

Thanks for the share. I found this about the barge.


[QUOTE=rshrew;189982]The tug fathom wave towed that barge up from Vancouver BC just this last month and dumped her tow wire on the bottom before leaving port. The barge is owned by Harley Marine US not sure if it’s chartered or what.[/QUOTE]

Something like that, I guess. The company had to get special permission to use her in Canadian waters.

[QUOTE=Emrobu;189987]Something like that, I guess. The company had to get special permission to use her in Canadian waters.[/QUOTE]

Yes they did get a special permit: https://forms.otc-cta.gc.ca/maritime-marine/attach_eng.cfm?id=231708&seq=1

Is a US or Canadian tug towing it?

I don’t know. It’s a Canadian company, but they’re new.

[B][U]Subsequent unsuccessful efforts to re-float the barge.[/U][/B]


Crowley will be making a pretty penny off that deal i betcha!

Dear Justin,

The mayor of Tuk has some rather good ideas. You should get out the taxpayers’ cheque book and your favourite pen and give him a call.