Recently I was laid off from my Drilling Vessel job as a Chief Mate/Sr DPO. I hold a Master (Unlimited)(Oceans), My Gap Closing is complete. Everything document wise is in order. I have lots of shipping experience. Heres where I’m at: Just joined a deck officers union (don’t want to say which one). I’ve been put in touch with a company (not going to say, okay) that are operating T-AGOS ships for MSC. I’ve been searching the internet trying to some info on these jobs in relation to our present year time frame. I can only find info from several years ago. Now, I know back in the early years these jobs were the worst. Can anyone out there tell what it’s like now, year 2016? Whats the pay like? How is the relief system working? You general information folks, anything?
You obviously haven’t utilized the search function on here enough…