Find a nice web for real time vessel tracking!

I find a web for real time vessel tracking. It is real nice. You can know where your ship is straight away based on a nice chart!
I registered for an account. They say it is for free!!!

Hope this information will be usefull to all!!!

PS: The web address is

Sorry. This is deficient. There are other cheaper sites with real time (or near realtime.) There are some sights that are FREE! MARINETRAFFIC.COM

If you are going to promote your own website, you should at least have a different screen name than the website.

[QUOTE=Swampfox;56455]If you are going to promote your own website, you should at least have a different screen name than the website.[/QUOTE]

Swampfox…You made my day!! lol

Other live vessel tracking website like and shipfinder is VesselFinder.



[li]World Map with ships
[/li][li]Latest maritime news
[/li][li]Vessels Database
[/li][li]Ports Database
[/li][li]Gallery with ship photos

[QUOTE=Swampfox;56455]If you are going to promote your own website, you should at least have a different screen name than the website.[/QUOTE]

looks like he took your advice the 2nd time

These folks need help.

Sir, I don’t think you are going to get too many takers for a service like yours on gCaptain. Yes, we are a group of mariners using the information similar to what you put out. However, with free websites, in addition to AIS on the very vessel we may work on, why pay for it?

Maybe you should pay gCaptain to advertise on this site, and see what it brings you.

Sent from my SeaPhone using gCaptain.

I like which is a spin-off of famous It is quite recent with good map and good ship base. A bit slow, it works better on Chrome than IE.

Interestingly, none of the major AIS ship finders have exactely the same coverage and data base. There is now a tough competition for paying AIS shipfinders.

you should at least have a different screen name than the website

Just found another site:
Also free, and most interesting feature: it has detail nautical charts.Also, good info on ship recent activity.

Still laughing…