Entry Level Maritime Job Wanted


I am from the Port Arthur TX area and i am looking for an entry level maritime job somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. I rather a 7 on 7 off schedule but to be honest i will settle for any type of schedule. I was wondering if any of you know of any opening that fits this description? Also i wanted to know what is the best certifications or licenses i can get to make me stick out from other candidates?

These may be stupid questions and i am sorry if they are but just remember i am new to the maritime industry please.

Thanks for all your helpful answers in advance!

Texas, Can you tell me do you have degree or diploma in Marine engeering. If you are looking job in this industry so you should have any relevant qualification or must have relevant experience.

I can suggest you go for pre-sea trainging, pro-seatraing for getting any entry level job. If you have 3-4 years ahead so you can consider for B.tech (Graduate Marine Engineering Course) or Diploma (Trainee Marine Engineering Course) in this industry.