Jackrabbit: the solution you ‘seek’ had been suggested I’m the way of finding a ‘Chapman’s Piloting and Seamanship.’ to find out what the generally accepted manner of anchoring and in this case what to do when an anchor drags (among other things). You are NOT going to get concrete directions on what to do third hand post incident on this (or any other blog). You are being directed to educate yourself so YOU can formulate your own argument when this happens again. Not if, but when. The topic of a tankerman over riding another tankerman is pretty relevant too. Both are “Unlicensed” and both are of equal capacity regarding the qualifications to man an anchor watch. I certainly hope you put in a “Near Miss” report about this to point out the shortcomings of the decision making process here. I would imagine your office would love to hear how this evolved.
Or go to cruiserforum. “They are THE most respected site for mariners…” Haha!
Indeed they are! You can get fancy book larnin from Flag Officers and Sea Lawyers.