Excellent technical response, I appreciate the time in noting all your questions , too. Many are the same I have rolling around in my head. As you imply, this could not have happened so ‘suddenly’ and without warning or at least a history of happening before (alarms going, yes, ok, hit the “ack” button and go take a look).
The manual you refer to, is obviously going to be scrutinized (I would think) by so called regulating authorities and to see whether the watch engineers onboard were attending to engines “in accordance to the instructions”…at least as much as the instructions told them what to do.
Your comments about the dry sump or wet type are well noted. Again, these “marinized” diesel engine plants (of considerable size) I have always assumed were purpose built and designed to work continuously in an environment where it is moving, rolling, pitching, etc. Therefore, one would think that these manufacturers (certainly the engineers operating in such conditions) are reviewing the instructions, manuals, etc, about how to address this issue.
Finally, as a CHENG I know you would appreciate this… I’ve worked on tugs that were on some excruciatingly rough conditions between the islands in Hawaii. They are not long runs (longest tow maybe two days) but even an overnight run, the tug is subjected to large rolling, huge, deep pitching, yawing and swaying. The engines down below (all typically 4000-5000 HP) are subjected to such heavy motion.
So having had that experience, and thinking how we never had a “low lube oil” issue in such conditions, makes me fail to understand why larger ships are having this issue now? It’s not that the industry doesn’t have that experience base. But wondering if certain manufacturers or builders have lost the expertise to design and build it just right?
Or is there something else altogether they might not be sharing publicly???