Court Dismisses Hawaii Jones Act Case

People should go back to where I posted that MarAd study…

The message therein is that US shipping operations cost too much and payroll is a big part of that.

The message [B]between[/B] the lines that I got from it is that MarAd doesn’t plan to recommend ways to creatively offset those costs and let the chips fall where they may.

I did not think the union work force was that big, more around 8% and dropping . And once again the middle class has to lose so people in Hawaii can pay2% less on a can of beans, pitiful. Bureau of labor statistics 2012 public- sector workers(35%), private-sector (6.6%). Unionized.

[QUOTE=Mikey;107950]Back to Hawaii


Wait… did that guy just say middle of the Atlantic? 2:20[/QUOTE]

Besides his incorrect “Atlantic” reference, that whole comment at 2:20 is incorrect…foreign vessels can stop in Hawaii, they just don’t. Hawaii folks weren’t too interested in cheap efficient transport of good inter-island when they found a way to run-off the super-ferries, why the concern now!?
This fellow in the video is an old acquaintance, my ex-wife worked with him at HPU and we babysat his daughter often. At that time, (early 90’s) he was the chairmen of the Hawaii Libertarian Party.


Besides his incorrect “Atlantic” reference, that whole comment at 2:20 is incorrect…foreign vessels can stop in Hawaii, they just don’t. Hawaii folks weren’t too interested in cheap efficient transport of good inter-island when they found a way to run-off the super-ferries, why the concern now!?
This fellow in the video is an old acquaintance, my ex-wife worked with him at HPU and we babysat his daughter often. At that time, (early 90’s) he was the chairmen of the Hawaii Libertarian Party.[/QUOTE]

He says Hawaii is “isolated” from international shipping. He really meant to say that his mouth is isolated from his brain.

I guess it’s not hard to be isolated from Pacific Rim shipping when they are all the way over in the Atlantic.