Chart work

Guys I am doing my exams.
Can any old school guy tell what all things change when we transfer position from one chart to another in laying out our passage plan on charts

I don’t understand your question. Do you mean on a voyage or just the passage plan? ECDIS or paper charts? Same scale of different scale? Same area or different area? Transferring “a position” as in fix or the ship changing location?

Been awhile since I messed with paper charts excpet as backup, but obviously at some point you sail off one and onto another and you need to plot a fix that covers the last one on the old chart and first one on the new chart. You also need to watch at the other end going too long on the “whole North Atlantic chart” and missing dangers charted on the larger scale chart you should have already transitioned to. This is the paper version of “death by wrong zoom setting on the plotter”.

Different scale chart.
From Small scale to large scale on paper chart,
The method which I do onboard is to take fixed hearing from a land which is interposed in both the charts.
If land not available , then I take a position common in both charts.

I don’t know what answer the exam is looking for. The only thing that comes to mind is the change of precision the occurs when transferring from a small scale chart to large scale chart.

It’s better to plot a position directly on the large scale chart rather then transfer from the small scale.

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Maybe this helps.

Change in datum, that sounds like it my be the answer to an exam question.

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