Captain Phillips Movie Trailer

I used to be a dealer for Raytheon and I never could get the radar to beep like a sonar set. WTF? What was I doing wrong?

I wouldn’t mind seeing a decent movie about the event. I have issue with Tom Hanks playing the part however. Sort of like Alex Baldwin playing Jimmy Doolittle in the movie Pearl Harbor ( who would not make a small pimple on a small pimple of Doolittle’s backside). All Hollywood hype and crap… Yea, the radar is a classic of Hollywood bs.

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);108814]I wouldn’t mind seeing a decent movie about the event. I have issue with Tom Hanks playing the part however. Sort of like Alex Baldwin playing Jimmy Doolittle in the movie Pearl Harbor ( who would not make a small pimple on a small pimple of Doolittle’s backside). All Hollywood hype and crap… Yea, the radar is a classic of Hollywood bs.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if it will survive to the release of the movie now that it has been commented on so much here. I do have to wonder how much a maritime consultant is used on these kinds of things. I CAN see the director telling him that the pinging is for dramatic effect. Me? I think it would make a more intense seen with the targets approaching silently. Then again, I am an insurance adjuster, so what do I know about making movies. . . . .

Wonder if the movie will result in a drop in applications to the Maritime Academys?

Or if the bosses wives will see how brave we are and insist we all get raises.


[QUOTE=Jetryder223;108827]Wonder if the movie will result in a drop in applications to the Maritime Academys?

Or if the bosses wives will see how brave we are and insist we all get raises.


Mommy and Daddy might get a rise in their blood pressure when they realize just what kind of business little Johnny has got himself into. . . .

What a Joke!

Oh, they will go ahead and make the movie. For 99 percent of the public how a radar operates or for that matter what the merchant marine is eludes them completely. Seldom have I ever seen a movie that was very realistic when the topic is known first hand. Same with this one…

Contraband with mark wahlberg wasn’t real?

Didn’t see it… “Shooter” was a good book, but not well done in movie form. ( but I do like Wahlberg as an actor).

I was in the Navy when “The Hunt for Red October” came out and I was working on sub tenders. You should have heard the bubbleheads (submariners) going ballistic over the technical errors, it was a hoot. And they were right in many ways of course, but as most of you have mentioned, it’s Hollywood and it’s all about the $$. We can have a chuckle over it between ourselves. When it comes out I’ll probably go see it “for the lulz”

If you want to watch a good movie about the problems with Somali pirates, I recommend the Danish film (A Hijacking)

Who the hell thinks a radar makes that kind of sound?

Would someone please pass me the dramamine, guess I may need it once in my career.

[QUOTE=PaddyWest2012;108713]It seems like all we ever want in the merchant marine is just a little bigger slice of the limelight, a little more recognition for what we do, in fact I said so myself in another thread not 24 hours ago.[B] How many average Americans know what the merchant marine is or how the gas made it to their car or how their tupperware made it into Walmart?[/B] When that little bit of limelight comes it is tempting to feel as if we would have been better off without it. Is this story what we want the American public to see of the modern day United States Merchant Marine?

I still haven’t decided whether I’ll see this or not, I think I’d like to see what others have to say.[/QUOTE]

Whenever people hear the word Marine they immediately think of guns and explosions. So after including the words Merchant Marine in my explanation several times when people first started asking me what I did for a living, I simply started saying, I’m an engineer on offshore supply vessels. Most of the time that needs to be broken down even more.

I have to admit that I didn’t know much about the Merchant Marine until I got a letter from KP in high school, which is embarrassing to say now since my dads side of the family has its own small customs brokerage. But now it is really cool to see both sides of the shipping industry. I’ve sailed on container ships and tankers for sea term, and I also work/help out at my family’s customs brokerage when I’m home. Seeing the entire process from start (a simple email asking how much for a couple containers and getting all the information for B/Ls and calling the shipping lines for rates) and knowing the actual physical process that goes along with it, is really enjoyable to me, and makes me proud to be a part of it all.

Imports/Exports is the lifeblood of this country, so while we may get into arguments and bicker back and forth about where we went to school (I’m looking at your c.captain ;)), we have to make sure we stick together and keep this wonderful industry alive, and domestically manned.

I won’t be seeing the movie in theaters…definitely download it though and watch it with my coworkers so we can all have a good laugh.

[QUOTE=rshrew;108842]Contraband with mark wahlberg wasn’t real?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed that movie…was a pleasant surprise to see that they actually included certain things the general public would never notice like getting a TWIC, reserving a container for a vehicle beforehand, and seals for the container.

The public would never have asked questions if Marky Mark just walked on the boat like nothing was up, and then drove the van into an “extra” container on the ship :smiley:

[QUOTE=KPGulfer;109286]I enjoyed that movie…was a pleasant surprise to see that they actually included certain things the general public would never notice like getting a TWIC, reserving a container for a vehicle beforehand, and seals for the container.

The public would never have asked questions if Marky Mark just walked on the boat like nothing was up, and then drove the van into an “extra” container on the ship :D[/QUOTE]

Or going from New Orleans to Panama City to load cargo and return instead of just going to Colón and avoiding a double Canal transit fee; or slamming into the dock, dumping containers all over the place and getting away with, “Oops, my bad”; using a TWIC card to get past a gate in Panama, the whole shipboard personnel structure. . . .

I did like the interior shots of the SL-7, though. I will have to admit, when they were talking CP problems, at least the engineers were pumping on hydraulic pumps there on the console, too bad they were for the turbine throttles. . . .

I will have to admit, though, that I was entertained.

[QUOTE=cmakin;109295]Or going from New Orleans to Panama City to load cargo and return instead of just going to Colón and avoiding a double Canal transit fee; or slamming into the dock, dumping containers all over the place and getting away with, “Oops, my bad”; using a TWIC card to get past a gate in Panama, the whole shipboard personnel structure. . . .

I did like the interior shots of the SL-7, though. I will have to admit, when they were talking CP problems, at least the engineers were pumping on hydraulic pumps there on the console, too bad they were for the turbine throttles. . . .

I will have to admit, though, that I was entertained.[/QUOTE]

Well Hollywood’s gotta make it entertaining somehow :smiley: …of course there were things that were flat out wrong/over the top, but it was just good to see them get SOME of the stuff right at least, instead just saying “screw it” and completely abandoning any and all realistic depictions.

An SL-7 with CPP?

Ha ha…

there’s people around that think the wrestling and the kardashian’s are real

you would

The public would never have asked questions if Marky Mark just walked on the boat like nothing was up, and then drove the van into an “extra” container on the ship

what! nobody here remembers “Boogie Nights”?

now there’s filmmaking for yah!

"I have heard so many stories from people who sailed with Phillips about what an immense fucking asshole he is and now I am nauseated at the idea they he has become a hero! The man endangered his ship and crew needleesly but gets all the glory! Fucking Hollywood!

Just like Paul Watson…another arrogant SOB prick master completely full of himself."

Some things never change. Like a bunch of sailors hating a guy they have never met, based on hearsay. I learned very early in my career to make up my own mind regarding shipmates. I discovered over the years that some of the “hated” mariners richly deserved their notorious reputations but most times the “bad rep” was undeserved, at least in my own humble opinion and just my experience.

I don’t take myself that serious and I like a good sea story, I will make it a point to see the movie. Besides, I think those fatal head-shots made by the Navy Seal Team were outstanding! It’s just a movie.

Oh yeah, I don’t think the average American gives a rats-ass how the goods they consume got delivered or even actually know what the Merchant Marine is.