www.thanavalarch.com is an endeavor by a team of freelance Naval Architects to make available more online resources for the marine community.
The following applications are now available for download:
The following are now available for download through the website:
- Bollard Pull Calculator (Barges) - Excel Engine
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It is a spreadsheet to calculate the required bollard pull to Tow a Barge.
Very useful in Marine Operations
Gives 4 different methods to calculate the required Bollard Pull: DNV, OPL, BV and Empirical method.
Please visit:
2. Bollard Pull Calculator (Ships) - Excel Engine
This Excel sheet calculates the required Bollard Pull to tow a conventional ship shaped vessel.
Please visit:
- Cargo Forces and Accelerations Calculator
It is a spreadsheet to calculate the forces and accelerations on a Cargo onboard a vessel.
Very useful in Marine Operations. These forces and accelerations can further be used to design the seafastening for the cargo.
Please visit:
- Ship Resistance Calculator
This is an excel sheet which calculates the total Calm Water Resistance of a Ship. It calculates all the components as per the Holtrop and Mennen method (1978) to give final calm water resistance.
Please visit:
For any queries or suggestions:
Write to: thenavalarch@gmail.com