Has anyone found an at home ship simulator program they like?
What are you looking for specifically in the simulation?
Ship Simulator Extremes is okay but not great. I don’t think there’s been any new development on it for years, but it’s worth the $20 they currently ask for it.
Is there a simulator for taking my kids camping, because I would be waayyyyy more interested in that…
My thoughts exactly; actually have one of the few jobs that can’t be done from home, shame to change that.
At least until drone ships come in anyway.
The NI has already started work on training for remote DP operations
The NI is probably concerned no one is getting a DP cert because the oil field lost most of its workers over the last 6 years.
that too, just like IMCA and class etc, everyones business/income has dropped massively
How small can some of these organisations get before trouble?
VSTEP is due to bring a brand new NAUTIS home-simulator in 2022: https://www.vstepsimulation.com/nautis-simulator/nautis-home/