Another Military Sealift Command Question(s)

A few questions about MSC. 1. What communications with home do you have when underway? Seems 10 month hitches is the normal. 2. How much overtime daily would a 1st A/E get on average (in a sailing capacity). 3. How long after being aproved for NEO does it take to actually go and get shipped out?

And when you do finally get to go home, can you cash in your vacation time while off? What happens to vacation time if you max out for the year in salary? Please don’t judge, I’ve never sailed deep sea and how they work the pay scheme is rather confusing.

Ah, An EMD Guy Eh?

New 3rd AE to MSC with just over 1.5 years “Sailing” for them.

  1. Communications while underway is very limited, mainly consisting of Emails sent over the Ships Government Computers, But MSC ships Tend to spend alot of time in port, tied up to the dock, where I have cellular service and a Solis 5g Wifi Puck (this is a personal wifi Puck, not Government Issue).
    Long hitches can be normal, But I have never had a hitch last longer than 6 months (the Overdue Allowance for MSC is Piddly) without Taking Leave or getting Relieved.

  2. From what I have Heard, The 1st A/E can easily work enough overtime to Double the listed Sailing Salary, and Often Hits the Federal Pay Cap for Government Employees (Civmars are Considered federal Employees)

  3. I honestly couldnt tell you how long it would take to ship to NEO and then to a Ship. Sorry :frowning:

  4. Every 2 weeks, you are given 4 Shore leave Days and 4 or 6 or 8 Hours (depending on Time in MSC) of Annual Leave Time. you can Bank a maximum of 360 hours of Annual leave, an unlimited amount of Sick leave, and an unlimited amount of shore Days. these days are paid out at either the Permanent Pay rate if you are relieved, or at the Ships pay rate if you simply Take Ships Leave or Ships Funded Leave (Note: Ships Funded leave required 4 more months of commitment to the vessel, but MSC pays for your Flight(s) home, Ships Leave, you pay for the flights)
    MSC Pay is a combination of a Federal Employee and a Navy Sailor.

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OT- generally expect 3hrs/day plus 16hrs for each weekend plus operational. So 62hrs/pay period plus operational plus penalty.

Vacation hours are used while you’re off to maintain your pay. So 40 hours of annual leave per week of vacation. You can also choose to use sick leave or shore days (1 shore day = 8 hour day). If you get relieved from your ship, vacation is paid at your base rate. If you take ship’s funded leave, it’s paid at your ship rate. If you run out of leave you can go on leave without pay, where you don’t get paid, and will owe a little money for your benefits when you start getting paid again as they aren’t cut off, but you’ll want to get all the details yourself.