AIS data

Hello, I want to find a raw AIS data , any suggestion ?

as in the nmea sentences from a receiver?
Do you live close to shipping?

Subscribe Marine Traffic data services, not raw but comprehensive.
Also VesselFinder & FleetMon Explorer offer same services.
Dunno if real raw data can be obtained so far thei’r linked and treated by the above…

You need a receiver with a discriminator tap.

everything you ever didn’t want to know

As far as the actual NMEA sentences. I am able to look at them in the settings section of Rose Point. Also in the software for my Shipmodul Multiplexer.

Hey, you can subscribe to marine traffic services, some of them provide API services.
You can check datalastic, it’s cheap and you can get instant access .

OP: Something like the following could be a pretty flexible and powerful solution to certain kinds of needs:
https :// /jvde-github/AIS-catcher

It may not be very clear, but this is simply software to deal with protocols (with a focus on AIS) in various ways. Various SDR (software defined radio) hardware is available, and it is almost free, but not necessarily always easy to use.

I own a ‘HackRF One’ with a portapack. I have it tuned to decode AIS right now, but that’s only because I happen to be researching boat stuff. I know nothing about the protocols because I’ve had no reason to study them, but with such a device simple decoding of a multitude of signals is trivial and requires no understanding at all (and very limited equipment.)

NOAA keeps records of AIS info (including positions) since 2009…and it’s free : | Vessel Traffic Data

Each day produces about 8 million lines in an excel spreadsheet. You need to use a Pivot Table to sort out the info since your excel limits only viewing 1 million lines. It’s a bit of a trick to learn how to use it but it’s a crazy amount of information