A New Look at BRM

Looking at this incident: Visual Navigation Implicated in Container Ship Grounding

Three crew members on the Bridge; the pilot, the captain and the Chief mate.

From gCaptain: BRM is a process to use all of your available resources during critical operations.

The ship had available the GPS system which cost taxpayers billions of dollars, an ECDIS which is tens of thousands of dollars but it wasn’t being used. Had the C/M glanced at the ECDIS he would have seen the ship was too far off track.

Here is Boyd’s OODA loop from Wikipedia:


So the C/M should have observed the ECDIS and then oriented with respect to the ship’s planned track. His action would be to tell the pilot the ship was left of track.

For the pilot the information from the C/M would have been an observation in the form of “Outside information” which presumably he would use the new information that the GPS held the ship right of track to orient himself.