A Checklist to Avoid Hurricanes at Sea?

This thread ties a couple themes together: Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making

From the article liked in that thread:

Some jobs are noise-free. Clerks at a bank or a post office perform complex tasks, but they must follow strict rules that limit subjective judgment and guarantee, by design, that identical cases will be treated identically. In contrast, medical professionals, loan officers, project managers, judges, and executives all make judgment calls, which are guided by informal experience and general principles rather than by rigid rules.

This was the point of the recent thread about the Exxon Valdez with regards to the difference between how a third mate navigates compared to the way a pilot navigates.

The third mate is taught a set of simple rules to follow.

Likewise a the 1-2-3 rule for hurricane avoidance is an attempt to do the same thing for hurricane avoidance. However that rule is obsolete because of changes in technology in how ships receive weather information.

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