Well how was it?
[QUOTE=TMAsailor;114642]Well how was it?[/QUOTE]
Commercial here is going good. I still think the general rudder is afloat, so that’s good.
I was curious to know how it went with a new captain and chief mate
Yeah I am too. I will find out in several weeks and let you know if nothing comes up sooner. They have some pictures up here http://www.tamug.edu/waterfrontops/GeneralRudderSST2013.html from cruise B, and archived from cruise A.
First cruise went well. Captain Putty is a huge improvement, he solidifies your practical stuff by sticking to practical BRM in the classroom. Before the cruise he said the purpose of the trip was to “fill in the gaps” of your knowledge, and that’s exactly what we did. Or at least I did, as always with TMA you gotta put yourself in the place to learn something if ya’ll know what I mean…
Chief mate was cool too. He’s no Buddy Blackburn unfortunately but the guy’s alright.
Yeah from what I got, Rudder cruise B was the best, as they had time to get everything running smoothly. I sailed with the Rudder to for a few days with Putty and Chief Mate, and they are a solid crew who are doing a great job. You got mad max and the 3rd, who are alright too.