Worldwide OSV market

Good time to buy if you have capital and facilities to reactivate/upgrade OSVs:

Anybody know why ECO is selling these vessels and how much HOS pay for them (enbloc of individually)?

ECO is not selling these vessels. These 6 are being sold by nautical solutions who recently filed for bankruptcy.

I know we see them as one big pile, but if you look at the seperate legal entities you might get a better answer. I doubt anyone is going to say exactly what the reasoning is.

Seems like things might not be so rosey as some believe.


OSV market; reflection on the passed and outlook for 2024 and beyond by a veteran:

Mike is a main contributor to Splash 24/7 and well known to many in Offshore Marine circles, especially in Singapore and S.E. Asia.

Newbuilding are on again:

PS> Presently the Skandi Seven is operating in Angola.