Wake up call on Mariners health

Some people argue that 6 and 6 already is illegal, the rules say you need a minimum of one period of 6 hours continuous rest, but people doing 6 and 6 need to arrive 15 minutes plus early for a watch handover, so technically you’re only getting 5 hours 45 minutes of continuous rest.

Some people counter-argue that by saying watch handovers time doesn’t count as working, personally I would say it is working.

There used to be no gyms on ships and very few in cities except for maybe the YMCA. The average height increased a bit over 1 inch in the USA but the BMI has gone way up. That is due to how much people eat of course and what they choose to eat. No one is shoving food down these overweight mariners throats, they are doing it all by themselves. It is a matter of eating too much, not the lack of a gym. We’ve all seen the photos of Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz and other camps. They had no gyms there.


Reading the obituaries from last week or last month is utterly biased: How do you know about the seafarers dying before that date?

The most important over median death reasons of active seafarers may be the ejection of the bunk for unknown reasons, or being hit onboard by a vile railroad train, or by flying campers.

Since always, salt (water) conserved meat. The Bacalhau does not really look nice; once desalted in fresh water, it is excellent.

Is ithis comparable to old, former seafarers?

Are we talking deboned?


I’m sure it’s biased, but it is quite notable. I assume they would have lived longer had they not be ground under the boot of the union bosses all those years.

Anyway so far what we have here is anecdotal evidence, no hard data, I at least have supplied an anecdote about data.

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I am saying there might be a survivor bias when looking at obituaries.

my post was a question

the odds are stacked against it for GOM crew

I’d guess this is a question that requires regression analysis.

A Refresher on Regression Analysis

Diet, exercise, income, health insurance, time off, job stress, how they add up for maritime or inland towing IDK.

Waiting for government regulations to improve conditions for working class people might be a long wait.

Across all groups, unemployment and layoffs, and a lack of health insurance were the factors that exerted the biggest influence. Low job control was the next biggest influence for both men and women, followed by job insecurity in men and shift work in women.

When the EU implemented BMI restriction on seafarers the Danish unions protested. “With that limit there will be no Danes at sea”.
PS> An exemption was made for Danish flag ships.


Auschwitz did have a pool, library, ballroom, sports area, and cinema.