I’m a Third Mate Unlimited currently working as on AB. I know I get 1 seaday towards my mates license for every 2 days I work. Im working a 12 hour day does that change it up at all? If i was working as a mate I know I would get 1 1/2 seadays for every day i worked. Also could you get the Captain or Company to give me mate time as an AB?
[QUOTE=bdmate;41411]I’m a Third Mate Unlimited currently working as on AB. I know I get 1 seaday towards my mates license for every 2 days I work. Im working a 12 hour day does that change it up at all? If i was working as a mate I know I would get 1 1/2 seadays for every day i worked. Also could you get the Captain or Company to give me mate time as an AB?[/QUOTE]
You can only get 1/2 of your 3rd mate time this way - to upgrade to 2nd - while holding a 3rd mate, but in the capacity of AB. You have to get 180 days as third mate - in that capacity before being able to upgrade.
12 hour days does not matter. It depends on if the vessel is approved for a two-watch system. What type of vessel? There are many people that work 12 hour days and only get one day of sea time.
Its a unlimited supply boat, they work a two-watch system and everyone on here gets day and half per day. I knew I could only get half of my time this way but i cant find a mates job.
[QUOTE=bdmate;41413]Its a unlimited supply boat, they work a two-watch system and everyone on here gets day and half per day. I knew I could only get half of my time this way but i cant find a mates job.[/QUOTE]
You will get a day and a half on a supply boat, but technically, there is no such thing as an unlimited supply boat. By Subchapter L, an OSV is limited to 6,000 ITC tons, but you can upgrade your unlimited license up to Chief Mate there provided it’s one over 3,000 ton ITC. However, you will not be able to get an unlimited Master license.
What he said.
Every Captain should have a parrot.
[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;41431]Every Captain should have a parrot.[/QUOTE]
Now that was funny.
[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;41431]Every Captain should have a parrot.[/QUOTE]
… and every parrot should have a cracker !
[ATTACH=CONFIG]1128[/ATTACH]The 12-hour day must be “authorized and practiced” to receive the 1.5 to 1 credit. “Authorzed” means the vessels is allowed to have two watches by 46 USC 8104(g) and the vessel’s manning per its certificate of inspection is for 2-watches.
Awesome Thumbnail ! LMAO