Surrender of diego garcia

My understanding is: the islands where unknown and uninhabited, until the French brought in foreign laborers to work their plantations.

The “islanders” that were removed are the descendants of those French laborers. They were not native to those islands.

Any country, including the UK or the US, has the right to determine which noncitizens, if any, may live within its territory. And the right to remove noncitizens.

Do you think that the Brits gave away Diego without consulting the US? Undoubtedly, our woke US government gave their blessing to this.

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The brits bought it from Mauritius
Removing the people was determined illegal and even the UK high court said the gov has to repatriate or compensate them
Made news in the UK as it was the first time the UK gov defied its own High Court

The whole story about DG is all about the US base

PS every piece of land in the world was uninhabited a few years back.

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Those laborers were not French. They were slaves, then after the abolition of slavery they were the descendants of slaves for the most part. Maybe do a little more reading.

Was the population that was expelled non-citizens? You’re treading dangerously close to a “slaves aren’t citizens” line.

It’s not the US’ territory so why would they?

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The Brit’s would not give away Diego without consulting the US.

The US is the important tenant. It’s an important military base for the US. The US is an important British ally. Therefore, the US was seriously consulted about giving away Diego.

Former slaves and their descendants are citizens. If French citizens, they should have been removed to France. If British citizens, they should have been removed to the UK.

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So they consulted and the US said yeah go ahead bc we’re getting a lease and nothings changing. Got it.

Great so then how is


But they weren’t. They were sent to Mauritius or the Seychelles. That’s the issue. They were citizens of a colony that were forcibly exiled to countries that are no longer British colonies but independent nations.

Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

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Then when Seychelles and/or Mauritius become independent, they became citizens of those countries.

A 99 year lease is not the same thing as a lease in perpetuity. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

Additionally, within a few years the Natives will become restless and start demanding all sorts of foreign aid and welfare programs. Perhaps they may even lease another nearby island to the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians, Houthis, or some other emerging threat.

I wonder what a competent national security professional, like Mike Pompeo or John Bolton, thinks of this deal.

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They were independent. Do you know how to use the google machine or are you just arguing for the sake of not admitting you don’t know what you’re talking about?

It’s not, I acknowledged the difference here:

So you admit that there are in fact natives? Doesn’t fit your “non-citizen” argument.

You’re painting with another broad brush, but considering they were exiled unjustly, had their homes destroyed and pets murdered by the US and the Brits they’re probably owed some money which a lot of them still haven’t received. Per Wikipedia:

“Fifteen years after the last expulsion, the Chagossians received compensation from the British, totalling $6,000 per person; some Chagossians received nothing. The British expulsion action remains in litigation as of 2016.[51][52] Today, Chagossians remain highly impoverished and are living as “marginalised” outsiders on the island of Mauritius and the Seychelles.[53]

Well it’s their country so let them. I don’t see you up in arms about how Djibouti hosts a Chinese base within a stones throw of the US base.

It doesn’t matter because neither of them are making policy decisions at the moment.

Some were sent to the Seychelles, others were transported to a cold, wet and windy UK:

Source: UK hands sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius

PS> Mauritius MAY only allow those with Mauritian passports to return to the islands.

Source: Britain should not hand the Chagos Islands to Mauritius

Since the "indigenous people are also from “somewhere else” and not “native” to North America, they will have to give it back to the bison. :laughing:

What about a 9,000 year lease?

Bison are also not native, they got here the same way.

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I mean, you got national security considerations and then you have the assured supply of Guinness for our lifetimes and for those of our distant descendents.

Totally makes sense to me.

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The Rift Valley is going to become awfully crowded once we all go back to where we came from.


Below is the best documentary I’ve heard on the subject. Since the Y chromosome is virtually unchanged generation to generation, the changes that do occur are easy to trace because they’ve so different. Also, super populators usually dropped all their Y chromosome genetic material in one place to make it easy to play connect the dots. This documentary starts in a spot in history when humans had the least amount of Y variants & tracked the movement of humans across the globe. If you believe the science, we’re lucky they did this study now when we just obtained the technology but still not too far into the air travel/easy mass migration age before we all get muddled together making the research impossible.

I’m 75 years old and learn I still something new every day. Thanks.


Grammar not being one you’ve learned yet

Minored in Yoda I did, so understand I do.



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Auch in Deutsch akzeptabel.

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Damn I forgot that guy is always so nice and politically correct. My bad for making a joke!