Protect Jones Act by Revitalizing Marad

Fine with me. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s the sort of idea a new revitalized Marad could sort out. Because its board would be formed by a variety of maritime business interests, mariners, and shipyard people, it could efficiently suss out the ramifications of the idea.

It’s Bayside, New Brunswick. The cargo (frozen fish) was shipped from Dutch Harbor, Alaska and Bellingham, Washington on Norwegian owned foreign flag ships to New Brunswick. It was then trucked to freight cars sitting on a short section of railroad track (without a locomotive) that was not connected to anything. It was then unloaded from these stationary railcars and trucked to Boston or New Bedford.

I don’t know, but I suspect that if enough forensic accounting were done, that the same Norwegian beneficial owners (including Kjell) would be found to be behind the whole thing.

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Only one problem ? Are You sure ??
Got to be ready with some much thicker wallets and deeper pockets to buy goods produced by US manufactures who transfered their production lines to China. During covid “drama” i read US was getting even drugs from China and other cheap labour reservoirs.

When I asked "then what…? " i did not ask what the bloody foreigners wold have to do .I asked You to describe the further distribution/transport of the discharged US bound cargo. ( A book The Box can help) . Besides there is a word “reciprocity” or “retaliation” . You do not care about those outside JA bubble, why then somebody should care about US A/B getting more per year then FOC master. I am just curious.

What did happen here and why? :
Source UNCTAD revision 2023

Can not find any name and/or location of fully automated/computerised container terminal in USA but have found why. Job protection and unions in charge. I can not judge or have an opinion as I do not live in USA but one can see that bullying others seems to be a preferable method. Mentime wish You luck with your grand designes :wink: .

Oh. Have forgoten :wink: Can You spell GREED /?? - just for me :wink: Please.

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Greed! :slight_smile:

Spo - if this happens there will be a big shortage of staff. You should consider moving to the US and sail on a re-flagged US container vessel.

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