Porthole shopping... any tonnage in the oil patch between 1600 and 3000 GRT?

Looking to see what boats are working that have tonnage between 1600 GRT and 3000 GRT. I am not sure what the ITC tonnage equates to for that range… 3000 to 4000?

Otto Candies? Harvey Gulf? I am guessing Chouest does but I would prefer a smaller company. If I am going to be just another number then I would prefer to be a smaller one.

I see a lot of boats posted on line but I don’t see their tonnage besides DWT. Is this a big secret or what?

Do any boats operate under the GRT tonnage if they have duel tonnage? What does your seatime letter reflect if you are on a vessel with duel tonnage? GRT… ITC?

You can look up any boat in the world and get that information. Several resources available equasis is one.

[QUOTE=anchorman;53552]You can look up any boat in the world and get that information. Several resources available equasis is one.[/QUOTE]

Equasis is a good site but it all looks to be ITC tonnage or I am unable to discern the difference. I am looking specifically for GRT tonnage between 1600 and 3000. How narrow of a field of boats is that? Thinking that even if they have duel tonnage the GRT would only apply in domestic waters per 15-02? With the current slow down in the oil bidness, how likely would you think boats of that caliber are operating in domestic waters?