Poll: Is the Mariner Shortage good?

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The LNG Mariner Shortage might just be the straw that broke the camel’s back… but I hope not!

More ships to choose from? sounds good… none of them are really paying better. I think it may end up killing the Jones Act at some point… Not good. I would also blame the Coast Guard and the people pushing things like TWIC for these problems.

Casey O’Donnell

Co-owner / Editor

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WHAT SHORTAGE? I keep hearing this, but I do not see any vessels tied to a pier because there is no crew to run it. I think this is a made up problem being used to position some companies to hire foreign workers for US flag ship/boats. The maritime community will believe what it hears. You say fire then there must be fire. We could say anything and it would circulate throughout the entire industry in less than a month. The pay is at an acceptable level and the work force is building. I think we are in good shape for the future. My company offers almost every class including license prep to employees. You have these new Mate training programs that are company sponsored. The shortage if any is the time off to educate the new mariners coming into the industry. That is the next hurdle to make working on the water appealing to more people, more time off. With a good salary and equal time off to have a life outside the bulkhead, there’s the solution.


I go with BLame the USCG