Offshore Wind Farms

Holy Crap, Used Nissan Leafs Are Incredibly Cheap

Took one of those for spin as well…

VW is about to spend ~$1,200,000,000 on EV chargers etc.

Guess they got caught blowing smoke…

. We use about 8000 kWh/yr, includes well pump, some AC in the summer, no heat (use oil and/or wood).

Panels are about 6 feet x 3 feet. 18 of them cover less than half my garage roof, SW directon. None on the house

Output is about 7300 kWh/yr or about 90% of total annual consumption. Maine does have net metering.

DONG is getting geared up for two full scale Wind Farms offshore eastern seaboard of the US:

Eastern seaboard DONG has been blown for some time now.

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Dong stands for “Danish oil Natural Gas”, btw,

Do the Danes own this one as well?

No, this one is Korean owned and operated.
Here is the Asian Hercules III lifting a FPSO Turret off the DongBang Giant 3 in Singapore in Sept. 2013:

Now DONG has sold their Oil & Gas interest and is becoming a pure renewables company: Dong Energy sells oil and gas business to Ineos
US market is one of their main target, apparently.

Wind farms are going up there left and right, because there are few people to complain in those areas.

What is there to complain about?? This is happening far offshore and give the local communities a cheap, clean and reasonably reliable power supply source.

It is being financed from abroad, run by foreign firms who create work for local people and doesn’t strain on local resources and services.

In defiance of Mr. Trump and his Climate Policy,or lack there off, GE is showing that they are having faith in Offshore wind farms: GE Floating $1.7 Billion Platform in Germany Shows Power of Wind
OK, so this is the German arm of GE, with input from other European branches of GE, but the technology can be transferred to their US operation, if and when a market develop.

That is not entirely true, as Vesta in Denmark is one of the biggest suppliers of wind turbines in the world:

With Suzlon in India not far behind:

While the largest wind turbine manufacturer in the world is actually Chinese: Chinese Wind Turbine Maker Is Now World's Largest | Scientific American

That China is a laggard when it comes to climate is a downright lay. Nobody is doing more to create clean energy, incl. Offshore wind farms. If Trump should want to know more about Chinese efforts and ability to compete with US on this aspect, pass on this link to him:

Whether the present US administration will try to stop individual states from developing offshore wind farms in the US is left to be seen, as is whether they will succeed.
That the appetite for participating in the development of such farms are there from foreign and domestic entities is undisputable, as US is seen as a large untapped market for the future.

Very fittingly, this news appeared in Maasmond newsclippings today:

The Keng Sheng Kou is a very familiar vessel to me. I have attended this one several times, both as Superint./Loadmaster for COSCO, as MWS and as Cargo Owner’s Rep.

Here she is at Lihir Island, PNG, with a Power Barge for a gold mine on deck:

The mine site was inside the crater of a volcano, which had been dormant for many years, but still with heat to drive drive generators. Not enough for their requirement, yet some being drained off:

One side of the crater had collapsed to form a natural harbour, but unfortunately exposed to the long swells of the Pacific. The only place that was reasonably sheltered were at the wharf, so we had to Mediterranean- moore, with broadside in the swell for the discharge.
Here she is with the cargo off and deck dry aft:

One of the more interesting but challenging discharges and the first time I attended as Superint./Loadmaster for COSCO.

OK so a bit OT, but seeing KSK brought back memories.

More optimism on the prospects for offshore wind farms in US waters:

Even if Trump don’t like wind turbines, the States may go it alone:

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I saw an article on LinkedIn about a year ago about a Spanish company buying some of the stacked drill ships at cut rates to install wind turbines offshore. After looking in to this a bit (because it seemed like it would be a really cool gig) they pretty much just work exclusively in Europe. In the US, we have lots of space. Take a drive across Iowa/Kansas/Nebraska/Eastern Colorado/Texas and California’s Central Valley and you will see vast wind farms. In Iowa (and I’m sure other states/areas), a lot of those wind farms are installed on huge farms that grow corn, a lot of which is used to produced ethanol (although the tech isn’t there to make that a real viable renewable energy source yet. Kind of cool, however, that there is one renewable energy source on the ground, and one in the air, sharing the same acreage). My point is, offshore wind isn’t going to take as much of a hold over here as it is in Europe because we have the land for these huge wind farms and it’s way more expensive to do this offshore.

All of this really doesn’t have a lot to do with politics in this country, either, but has more to do with marketing, demand, and just good business. Here in Colorado, where I live, pretty much every subdivision being built have solar panels installed - this is partially because we get 300 days of sunshine and its what homebuyers demand of the builders these days, especially out West. More and more of the older houses in the state (and we aren’t the only area that this is happening) are having solar panels installed. Electric companies pair up with solar companies to “rent” your roof space if you can’t afford to install the panels yourself. Being “off the grid” is no longer the “preper’s” business, and is becoming the norm in just your average neighborhood.

The reason why it make good sense and good business to move offshore with new wind farms is the proven fact that there are more regularity in the wind field there than on dry land, even in Colorado.

The other is that the cost of constructing offshore wind farm has come down and can now compete with onshore wind farms in terms of cost per kw/hr. installed capacity. This has been proven in the latest developments off NW Europe, as referred to in several articles on this thread.

Statoil is getting ready for installation of the first floating offshore wind farm off Scottland. The wind mills are produced in Spain, the floatation elements in Norway and the assembly is taking place at Stord, Norway, using the Italian owned and operated SSCV Saipem 7000:

Who will tow the ready assembled units across the North Sea, install the mooring system and power cables to shore will depend on lowest bidder with proven track record and suitable equipment for the job, not on the nationality of the contractor, or the flag of the vessels involved. That is the European way of doing business.

But it’s still not anywhere near as cost effective, even if the costs to contract offshore are dropping. For the huge farming conglomerates and even private farms, they don’t need to buy the land, the locations aren’t as remote, and the hookups are infinitely easier. The infrastructure is already there close by. We also have something over here that you guys don’t have there - a lot of space. Not to mention, the landowners benefit, as well as the wind turbine companies, along with the companies who “buy” the cheep energy. Trust me, I wish offshore wind would take off over here, it would be a cool business to get in to, but it’s just not ever going to be as cost effective over here as it is in Europe.

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As for the wind regularity out there in the MidWest - well, if there is more regularity out there offshore, it’s not by much, and it certainly isn’t in the GoM. Especially in Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska. Just the sheer amount of space available out there and the ease of installation makes this a not issue.