Navy Names Two New Ford-Class Aircraft Carriers After Presidents Clinton and Bush

Sources say the Clinton will enter every port and harbor to it can smooth talk its way into and then deny it was ever anywhere, while the Bush will aimlessly wander the world’s oceans causing conflict and then quietly floating away leaving a mess behind. Lol!
The jokes almost write themselves, c’mon, have at it guys.


Sometimes it amazes me the number of US presidents we haven’t yet named anything after — then I remember our very worst have already had their days tasting salt water (the President Pierce and President Buchanan of APL…) which as boxboats almost reminded me of the Simpsons reference to the fictional USS Walter Mondale: ”it’s a laundry ship!”


I wish the navy would return to using the traditional names for carriers. I dislike the current trend of naming them after politicians.


I’m not sure if something that started with the very first President of the United States and has been ongoing since 1775 can really be considered a “current trend”.

What I don’t understand are all of the repeats. I get that we shouldn’t forget history and tradition, but are there really that many new ships coming out every year that they ran out of heroic or impactful people and places to honor?

We didn’t have aircraft carriers in 1775 though which is what he referenced.

We haven’t had enough wars since Vietnam. Gotta get more people killed with better stories. /s

Also, MSC takes a lot of Medal of Honor names away.

Doris Miller deserves a capital ship named after him. Living presidents certainly do not…and neither do most of the dead ones.
…Well, at least we’re not naming them after a dead pervert like MSC did.

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I simply note that the Royal Navy was greatly ahead of the game some years ago and had a submarine named HMS Trump, perhaps an advanced honour for a future US president.

P.S. I also note it is not unheard of that the USN names its warships to honour foreigners. There was for a time USS Canberra, cruiser, and more lately another one, Littoral Combat Ship, named in honour of HMAS Canberra, a heavy cruiser, sunk by overwhelming Japanese forces in the battle of Savo Island, Guadalcanal.

Yeah they just chose a live one… Bill Clinton


It depends on what your definition of “is” is.



HM Submarine Trump, a T class built in 1944 had a nickname, the Fighting Fart.
She spent a far bit of time running out of HMAS Platypus training up Aussie crews for the Oberon classsubs.

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I’ve always said we should always at a minimum have a Enterprise, Lexington, Hornet, Yorktown, Kittyhawk and Midway- THEN maybe you can start with the politicians.




…and the Wasp! (Although she is a Gator-navy boat now)

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Miller should have had a DDG named after him. Destroyers traditionally carry names of naval heros or sailors who have distinguished themselves.

Miller was not an aviator nor had any connection to naval aviation.

Without repeats, we will never have Starship Enterprise NCC-1701. :grin:

An aircraft carrier named after W. It went Navy to avoid getting drafted and becoming a combat unit.

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