MSC Vaccine Mandate

I just heard that MSC has mandated the vaccine. All Civmars are required to get fully vaccinated by November 20, 2021.

Anyone also heard the news and how true is it? I guess they’ll send non-vaxed Civmars who are on ship assignment home ?

Interesting times ahead. I can’t wait to see how this will end if it is indeed true.

I don’t know but they probably did. All DOD employees are required to have it, and the SIU has mandated it as well.

Not really all that interesting really. In the three years I worked at MSC I filled up two yellow international vaccine record cards with all the vaccines they required. I’d assume everyone will just go see the MSO like they always do.


Ha that’s true. No problem with the Anthrax set or the Smallpox shot, but the Covid vaccine is where we draw the line? Give me a break.


Hell, I even have a plague vaccine. . . .


Ah, but the feelings run strong in this one. People are so emotionally vested that despite their best efforts towards rational expression, it usually comes off more like this:

Hence why discussions on the subject invariably degenerate, even here.

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