LNG certification and employment

I am currently a plebe deck major at USMMA. I’m completely new to the maritime industry but I have an interest in LNG’s. The staff is fairly vague about the certifications and employment opportunities that I might have in this field so I’m looking for a experienced mariner to fill me in. Any suggestions about skills or certifications that I should aquire or about ships that I should try to work on for sea year would be appreciated.

You’re going to need a LG tankerman endorsement. Take the LNG course at USMMA, that will get you at a minimum “Tankerman-Assistant” which will allow you to work a cargo watch on an LNG ship in a support capacity. In order to get the Tankerman-PIC endorsement that you will need to be in charge of the cargo watch, you will need 90 days on an LNG ship and document participation in 10 cargo transfers, including specific numbers of transfers involving certain critical operations. You can get the LNG time and cargo transfers while a cadet, so if at all possible, get yourself sent to an LNG ship in your sea year. That will get you a head start that might distinguish you from other acdemy graduates seeking the same jobs. If you can get the 90 days and 10 cargo transfers, you’ll graduate with the PIC endorsement.

The same would apply for oil/chemical tankers and the DL endorsement, you graduate the academy with a minimum of tankerman-assistant and need tanker time and cargo transfers to get the PIC. (Oil/chemical tankers need a “Dangerous Liquid” or DL endorsement and a DL specific course). You can also get the DL PIC endorsement at graduation if you get your cadet shipping time on a tanker.

Thank you. This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

I posted on another thread here about AMO having an agreement with Shell. Also, I’m not sure if it went through, but I believe MM&P were pursuing a deal with Teekay. I would check out their web pages, as well as other maritime unions to have a feel for what is going on out there.Might also check out companies that you know have LNG fleets. Obviously, LNG tankers are expanding at an advanced rate, and the unions are trying to get some flagged US. Barring that, they are striking deals with other companies. Best of luck, and study hard!! LOL

This is not necessarily true. I recently finished my 90 day cadet cruise on an LNG and I did not receive my PIC. The reason being is I only got two loads and one discharge. Do not expect to receive a PIC in 90 days on an LNG. LNG tankers do not do cargo ops as often as chemical, LPG, product, or crude carriers do. There are LNG tankers out there that make regular runs but none that I know of are taking American cadets. LNG tankers trade on a spot market. They are tramp ship essentially. They go where the cargo takes them, and for the most part this is at anchor. As long as crude prices stay low, LNG is not in demand. It took the 3rd mate on my vessel nearly 4 three month long contracts to get a PIC.
I should mention however that the experience alone is worth a lot to LNG companies looking to hire. Most don’t expect to hire officers with PIC’s, especially not American officer. So if you can say you have LNG experience you have a huge leg up.
If you got any more questions about shipping out on an LNG let me know, and I’ll help you out as best I can.

Hello, I too am also a deck major at usmma, and I wanted to know the requirements and job availability of working on an LNG tanker. Also, is it possible to be a logistics major and receive proper training at the academy in the field of LNG?

In order to work on an LNG tanker you need at least a third mates license and a tankerman assist endorsement. This can be got through you school. This is all you need for most companies. As for job availability, that varies. For a new third mate it is hard to get on an LNG tanker, especially since they almost all go through a union. Exmar however used a crewing agency so seniority is not the deciding factor when it comes to hiring. Instead the crewing agency interviews you and hires you based on your qualifications and experience. The LNG fleet is relatively small and none of them are American flagged, so spots are limited. The industry is growing though so its not hard to think that they will be hirring more and more americans.

Definatly take the LG course at KP! I have been trying to find a place in the US to take the
LG tankerman course but there is no interest whatsoever to hold a class, as most of the
training facilities need at least 5 or 6 people to run it. A few of my friends who lucked
into working with Suez on the Norwegian flagged LNGs which run in and out of Boston have had
to take the course in Norway, which is what I will have to do this winter during my
vacation. Luckily the onboard training I completed this past summer as 4th mate was enough
to get my assistant tankerman. MARAD has a deal worked out to man any foriegn flagged LNGs
which discharge in the US to man their vessels with at least one mate and one engineer,
mostly from mass maritime (Boston…). Contact companies such as Hoegh, MOL, or BW (Bergesen
Worldwide, who I work for), showing interest in sailing as cadet (if you have any terms
left), or as 4th officer, which is more or less half cadet/half 3rd, onboard one of their
vessels. Most of these companies are in the process of launching regasification vessels
which will either serve as Floating Storage or moored up to discharge by vapor. It is slim
pickins right now, but stick with it, the demand is increasing. AMO should start offering jobs to their members onboard the British flagged fleet (British Merchant, Diamond, Trader, etc), although they are currently on the not so hot spot market, mostly at anchor off Trinidad. Also, with working onboard a foreign flagged vessel, you would have to receive license endorsements from that country for your 3rds ticket, GMDSS, and tankerman. It is sort of a pain… Feel free to shoot me any questions that you have.

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 [B]MITAGS Offering LNG Awareness Seminars[/B]

Friday, November 20th, 2009
[I]2-Day and 4-Day options available, commencing on December 14, 2009[/I]

• [B]Scope of Seminars:[/B]

The seminars are intended to familiarize terminal, shipboard, and company personnel interested or affiliated with LNG Operations. Topics covered include LNG safety, theory, vessel / terminal designs, equipment and operations. The seminar length is dependent on level of knowledge required. The 4-day seminar includes time on a LNG vessel cargo loading simulator.

• [B]Objective:[/B]

Successful completion of this course will enable students to have a basic understanding of the properties and hazards of liquefied gas, cargo containment systems, LNG tanker and terminal designs, Inert gas systems, tank environment control, safety precautions, and emergency procedures.

• [B]Dates and Options:[/B]
4-Day LNG Awareness: December 14-17, 2009
2-Day LNG Awareness: December 14-15, 2009[/I]

• [B]For More information or to register Contact:[/B]

Captain Bob Becker / telephone: (443) 989-3235 /[B] rbecker@mitags.org [/B]
MITAGS on the WEB:[B] www.mitags.org [/B]