LA/LB logjam

A new way of counting to a hundred does not help solve the logjam off LA/LB:

But it move the problem further way. Out of sight = out of people’s mind (and news):

It also doesn’t help that Chinese ports increase volume of trade, incl. export to USA:

Shanghai saw the largest amount of container throughput throughout this time, handling a total of 34.8 million TEU, a year-on-year increase of 9.9 per cent.

But at least the cost of shipping containers from Asia to US is falling:

Maybe if the different players talk to each other things will b e better?:

I think it’s engineered for political reasons, which i come here to generally avoid!!!

The LA/LB logjam is now affecting 101 ships , spread across the Pacific, along the West coast of America and into Mexico:

But at least the surfers are speared the ugly sight of container ships when they paddle out and wait to catch the next wave…

Not only LA/LB have problems with ships waiting on berth:

Situation in some major ports around the world:

Situation isn’t going to get any better anytime soon. While a large focus is on the port itself most people don’t take into count everything else going into the problem due to COVID delays. New equipment to help with backlog have long lead times, not enough trucks and truck drivers in the market, the end receiver or distribution center is short staffed and can’t turn around cargo fast enough, labor shortages everywhere, delays and shortages with rail lines, etc…

The ports are out of room and have been for quite some time. Lots of smaller ports are waiving the flag to be a relief valve but they are not of any real help at all. Would costs lots of extra money to divert ships and the logistics from the “new” port to the end customers would all have to be rethought and shifted, which is no easy task. As a person in the stevedoring business, but not at the major ports, yes container business is crazy busy but breakbulk figures are up tremendously and warehouse space is an issue in our market too. The demand is simply too much for the logistics supply chain for the foreseeable future.

Short sea container feeders with gear could move cargo from major ports with STS cranes to smaller port without much facilities, but closer to the consignee’s warehouses.
It would reduce the road/rail transport distance and the concentration of requirement in a few areas + road congestion for the rest of road users.
That could also help in reduce the storage problem, both for loaded and empty containers, at the main terminals.

There is not a lot of suitable vessels in the JA fleet. nor many foreign flag vessels available that could be re-flagged to US to relieve the congestion. (They would not be JA compliant anyhow)

Agreed. On the Mississippi River there is an outfit that is building a few vessels now to take discharged containers from larger vessels and move them up into the central part of the US. I think this is long overdue and could help to some degree but won’t solve all of the problems on the west coast. Just too expensive to send a vessel from Asia thru the panama canal into NOLA for further transit.

Blame the shipping lines for all ills in LA/LB and everywhere else:

Since the foreign container lines can’t be charged for container not being picked up by US consignees why not charge them for empty containers that linger at the terminals?:

I haven’t seen any new reports on the number of container ships stacked up at LA/LB. Last report I saw was from a week before Xmas. What are the numbers now?

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Maybe there is a silver lining (for some) in the present logjam?:

A side effect of the LA/LB logjam:

Now it is a change from punishment to incentive. Maybe that will wortk better?:

A side effect of the logjam??:

NIMBY syndrome?:

An alternative to LA/LB for containers bound for San Diego, New Mexico, or Texas?: