I’ve been called for jury duty missed it because I was offshore now when I’m home they are making me do it. I hear on the boat the Jones Act protects Mariners from having to do jury duty but I look it up and don’t see anything. Anyone have any experience with this?
Most counties allow you to email them (or online contact form) a “request to be excused” explaining your reason, I was quickly given a written exemption. They might ask for copies of license or letter from office.
I was once given a three year removal from the rotating list due to be at sea for so long at a time. They called it a “Hardship Excuse” being that it would cause me time away from my family when I already spend a majority of the year away from them. I am sure that it is handled different in different municipalities.
My city said “tough” and made me come in on my off time, last time. A few years earlier a nite from the office got out of it.
They moved a high profile murder case to my county up north because we are out in fucksville. Myself and 2 guys that work for my parents where called in, went with my finest JD hat,logger boots and can of copenhagen in my front pocket, was immediately excused, had name tags given out, guess they got the hint when i wrote “GUILTY” on mine. As far as the Jones act i couldnt tell you, its almost more of a hassle for letters and drama than to just walk in and explain the situation, the last thing they want is a pissed off person dealing with a jury trial.
I’ve had a county/state and a federal case to attend. it was educational and ok overall but still a duty and obligation which I guess I profited from but when I started going to sea I went to the court house and talked to the clerk and I was forthwith excused. then a year ago I got another summons but it was months old by the time I found it and I’ve ignored it. We realize we can’t afford to get in hot water with the state but I am confident if you go in there with a few pay stubs and some photos or something you’ll be excused… and you can complicate it for them if you ask them if you can have the first 2 or 3 days home (out of 15?) to be with the family before taking on a ‘case’… oh, make it a short case too… can’t miss sailing date. I can’t believe they would not make a exception if you presented the case well.
I just throw the mail into the trash can when they show up at my house. Have no way of proving I got it in the mail unless they sent it certified.
Most states do NOT have exclusions or exemptions for merchant mariners but are pretty easy about rescheduling to suit. I’ve been nailed several times for jury duty and there was no blanket escape clause.
If you ignore it they cancel your voter registration. You’ll be turned away at poll.
Called the lady who runs it & told her my schedule. She said when are you off & I gave her the dates. She made me come when I was off. I googled the cases on the docket & showed up to jury duty in a searsucker suit. Needless to say I was excused before lunch on the first day.
I must get one if these searsucker suits!
I usually just sit there a scowl at everyone that ruined my day off.
Some jurisdictions are not understanding at all. In that case you have two basic options:
- never register to vote
- reside elsewhere
You can only be called to jury duty in your county of residence. Residence requires a physical address and an intent to reside. Intents are changeable in a split second. “I’m sorry ma’am, but I am moving out of county X next week to live in county Y. This is my new address.”
“never register to vote”
Never discuss politics again.
Renounce your citizenship.
Move to Belize.
Because reasons.
Check the pic out on my FB page & the comments.
Thanks for the results it’s good to know for the future but I think I’m still screwed in the meantime. I started working offshore 3 days before I was called and forgot all about it so it seems to them I skipped out on my “civic duty” and now I’m getting letters for it and I called them and they told me I have to make myself available when I’m home for it
[QUOTE=JCook317;165644]Thanks for the results it’s good to know for the future but I think I’m still screwed in the meantime. I started working offshore 3 days before I was called and forgot all about it so it seems to them I skipped out on my “civic duty” and now I’m getting letters for it and I called them and they told me I have to make myself available when I’m home for it[/QUOTE]
2006 Code of Virginia § 8.01-341.1 - Exemptions from jury service upon request
8.01-341.1. Exemptions from jury service upon request.
Any of the following persons may serve on juries in civil and criminal casesbut shall be exempt from jury service upon his request:
through 3. [Repealed.]
A mariner actually employed in maritime service,
through 7. [Repealed.]
A person who has legal custody of and is necessarily and personallyresponsible for a child or children 16 years of age or younger requiringcontinuous care by him during normal court hours, or any mother who isbreast-feeding a child,
A person who is necessarily and personally responsible for a person havinga physical or mental impairment requiring continuous care by him duringnormal court hours,
Any person over 70 years of age,
Any person whose spouse is summoned to serve on the same jury panel,
Any person who is the only person performing services for a business,commercial or agricultural enterprise and whose services are so essential tothe operations of the business, commercial or agricultural enterprise thatsuch enterprise must close or cease to function if such person is required toperform jury duty,
Any person employed by the Office of the Clerk of the House of Delegates,the Office of the Clerk of the Senate, the Division of Legislative Services,and the Division of Legislative Automated Systems, however, this exemptionshall apply only to jury service starting (i) during the period beginning 60days prior to the day any regular session commences and ending 30 days afterthe day of adjournment of such session and (ii) during the period beginningseven days prior to the day any reconvened or special session commences andending seven days after the day of adjournment of such session.
It appears virginia exempts mariners
[QUOTE=t.mcg;165312]I just throw the mail into the trash can when they show up at my house. Have no way of proving I got it in the mail unless they sent it certified.[/QUOTE]
There is a legal presumption that a letter mailed is a letter received. All they have to do is prove they mailed it to the correct address.
I guess I would have to prove that I never received it?
Jury Duty is a civic duty not a hardship. Despite being distasteful we should all try to take part in. When you rcv a jury summons email the clerk and let them know what dates you are available. They will work with you. Getting held over for some capital case is rare. Think about who you would want serving on a jury determining a case against you.Don’t think it could never happen.