Its time to have serious action on seafarers wefare

i am new member in this fourm but like to point out the urgent action required in terms of seafarers welfare,
as seen in new practices and rules of shipping nearly all the blames of the ship’s incident/accident put on seafarers. and incase of any accident shore authorities holds top 4 responsible, in many case they been detained as criminals and held with lowest grade criminals, even they are in all fourm regarded as highly qualified and highly profesional,

i like to give few suggestions if implimented through your fourm can atleast reduce immidiate suffering of these worst effected beings.

1, immidiate action, nearly all the countries in the world have system of grading of detained persons (i.e. A,B,C class etc) which make them to keep educated and profesional datanies seperate from low grade criminals. and giving them facilities to defend themself in more appropriate manner, the recent case was korea.
in may suggestion if through IMO we can get for top 4 ranks the ‘A’ class it will at least give some peace of mind to family and other friend’s.

2, intermidiate action, the rules which are common in most of the maritime nations to be made compulsory to be followed by all IMO nations.

3, long term action, all the maritime/ envoirement, rules to be unified in IMO world, which make everyone’s life easy.