If you thought the Foreigner in your wheelhouse was an important issue, check this!

Senator McCain’s bill being voted on in the next two or three weeks.


would you be so kind to explain this legal jargon, for the ave,. Jo<ann> like myself ?

One of the most difficult things I have had to try to do is to decipher laws, and proposed laws. The legislators and regulators make it particularly difficult for the average ‘layman’ (average Joe) to understand what is going on. I think this is to intentionally confuse us about the true intentions most of the time.

However here is my best understanding of how this bill will change the Merchant Marine in the US:

All domestic trade between US ports has been regulated by an Act called the “Jones Act” Trying to really simplify this means; if ANYTHING is moved from a US port to a US port it MUST be moved on a US built, owned, manned, and maintained vessel (whether tug, barge, ship or skiff.)

Mr McCain’s bill will eliminate the “Jones Act” and allow any vessel of any nationality to move anything anywhere, with no regard to ports, US citizens or companies.

Were done!

Call, (or preferably write) your US Congressman and Senator. This is hugely important to stop right now.

Attempts to kill the Jones Act have been made for decades but not one has come close to succeeding in the Congress. This is just another one of those tries.

Personally, I think John McCain is a total ass and as an ex Navy man should be drawn and quartered for selling out the US Merchant Marine which is necessary for our Armed Forces to fight overseas.

Hey guys, lets just see it for what it is, it is a play for the corps to get cheap labor. I respect Mcain for what he did as a POW, but really! I missed the last 4 months of news as I was at sea, guys stay away from these tea party candidates. also remember, there is no way a US flagged ship will be able to transport goods between two foriegn ports as they have their own “Jones act”

AKA “Cabotage act” (sp)

McCain is a embarrassment to my generation…don’t be surprised if this effort makes it this time!!with the manning “waivers” may be the US vessels will remain somewhat competitive in our own waters??

We are selling out this country to every "tom, dick and harry’’ <mexico,japan,china,> Even Wrangle Blue jeans!! <my fav> OUr kids are going to college,come out “degreed”,and at best, get jobs, in retailing,at Penneys, burger king, cingular,I can t tell ya the number of factories,that have left my state of MS…And thanks to Mccain,“cheap labor”…is the way, our american bussinesses,are being runned,. I just don t get it. Sorry for my rant but this thread lead me to think about this.

Very good point Emills505.

There thousands of Japanese coastal tankers and freighters sail with one Flag, Japanese.

If foreign flag was engaged in transporting goods/passengers between two Japanese ports, the the Port Clearance
will not be issued.

Lots of Asian shipowners tried to sneak into the very Lucrative trade by swinging by some foreign port(s).
The Authority looked into very closely the Cargo Manifest / passenger list for the Origin of Cargo/person.

Here in the U.S. the passenger ships calling Ensenada Mexico for 30 minutes between hawaii and california run,
sail on foreign flag…What a pity for us American mariners who lost thousands of jobs…

wonder if foreigners would work for less than our elected officals

That will never pass. He should focus on tumble weeds and horny toads…something that’s relevant to a state in the middle of the desert.

First thing monday morning: Call your US Senator. Call Your US Congressman. Let them know of your opposition to McCain’s bill. The vote is this week, if we don’t call the how else will our representatives in Legislature know how we feel.

Everyone here has made comments. Unless and until you let your elected politician know, they will just dance to the party line. LET THEM KNOW. It is the way it works. Silence is useless. Hoping someone else will ‘make the call’ is useless. Waiting to see the outcome is useless. Call or write (but time is short) or email. SOON.

Here’s a link to a site where you can submit a letter of opposition to the bill. You don’t even have to write it yourself or figure out where to send it, it can’t get any easier.


hopefully everyone will take the 30 seconds required to send the letter to their elected officials using the above link! It was quicker than typing this post…

One thing to note: You CAN amend the canned letter if you want, it is really easy, and you don’t even have to hunt for your Pols address!

At the bottom of the post, there is a “Send to Friend” button. If you know of anyone that would want to fill this out, I urge you to use that link.

[QUOTE=Steamer;43343]Here’s a link to a site where you can submit a letter of opposition to the bill. You don’t even have to write it yourself or figure out where to send it, it can’t get any easier.


Geez. After I hand crafted my personal letter to everyone I could find.

Good find though.

I wish I could vote, like that,all the time,so neat…thanks, steamer,

[QUOTE=Steamer;43343]Here’s a link to a site where you can submit a letter of opposition to the bill. You don’t even have to write it yourself or figure out where to send it, it can’t get any easier.


Thanks for the link, Steamer.

You can cut and paste the message directly to your Senator’s contact information on their respective web sites. Here’s a good link to your Senator’s web site:

Thanks to all who have posted here.

Some people think it is easy to understand how to keep track of and follow bills in legislature. As an example, here is how this bill was introduced to the Senate floor. It’s so clear a ‘caveman could do it’ NOT.

[B]3523. A bill to reauthorize the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. [/B]

I guess the phrase “And for other purposes” means how to make 69,000 Merchant Mariner jobs go POOF! BTW, the 69,000 number is from wikipedia. Anyone else got any better numbers on how many of us there are?