I guess I could convey my questions like so:
Do you wish/need some AIS targets were less prominent than others?
Short answer. No.
AIS is relatively new, How its displayed is important, I never bothered to look at the original text only.
My ARPA is a much more useful tool. Which is also relatively new to me.
AIS became something I actually bothered to use when bridge equipment started to become integrated, So when AIS info was displayed on ARPA I started to pay attention.
ECDIS also relatively new.
I can overlay ECDIS on ARPA. often I prefer to have separate displays. Sometimes I do use overlay feature, often with reduced display level.
I personally tend not to use AIS or ECDIS for collision avoidance. Which is a bit deceptive since I have AIS info on my ARPA. The ARPA has a radar target as well. The AIS is giving me primarily identification. While the ARPA is giving collision avoidance info.
The point is for collision avoidance I want to see all targets. Suppressing targets is counter productive. I have never chosen to eliminate class B. I don’t want to collide with class B.
My opinions might quite different from the opinions of a younger seafarer. Or one who works primarily offshore.
Until recently, I worked exclusively inshore in Pilotage and VTS area with lots of small vessels depending upon season. From 15 up to 22 knots mostly.
What I really like is accurate identification and the ability to see round corners and know when someone’s ETA at the pass is BS.
My observation both AIS and ARPA have a tendency give a false impression of accuracy both of which can lead to poor choices and reduction of safe margins. In other words instead using the information to be safer. Its often used to reduce CPA or accept reduced CPA.
I probably operate on much closer safety margin than most mariners would accept as normal.
So I am entering busy Harbor or Narrow Channels at quite high speed and passing very close distance from other vessels of many sizes.
So a very long way of saying I want as much info as I can get on all targets. Particularly small ones.
I don’t find the warnings and alarm functions to very useful. Being able to filter them better would be helpful. Also don’t obscure info I am currently using. To display an alarm I already acknowledged and know about.
I think the current minimum setting is 0.1 M and 1 minute.
Do you wish some targets were completely hidden? Absolutely not I want to see everything.
I want to be able to select easily how I see it.
Radar Info in my opinion has a much higher priority than AIS info.
Sometimes I find ECDIS overlay obscures or partially obscure radar targets.
Sometimes particularly in foul weather. Radar overlay can be very helpful.
If anyone who sails or boats in a small vessel AIS is helpful and does make you more visible. And less likely to be lost in the clutter of a poorly tuned and set up radar which has to much clutter applied.
Just my opinion, turning of class B or any other targets is at best foolish. Possibly negligent.
Turning off Alarms. My boss tells me not to.
I personally don’t like them and do not find them useful. Certainly don’t ever rely on alarms.
Every time someone F’s up. VDR gets checked. Alarm settings get checked.
My primary means of collision avoidance, Standard issue eyeball.
Poor Visibility, Radar. ARPA.
AIS, Mhee. It is helpful. Last time I checked still not included in coll regs as a recognized to determine risk of collision.
Good luck trying to explain why your speed was safe. if you couldn’t stop in half the distance you can see because you were using Radar, ARPA or ECDIS or even AIS.
So long as you don’t hit anything you are all good.
42 years. Had a few close calls.