Hello, I’m a High school Senior working on a career project designed to give students prospective on what they actually want to do when they get out of high school. Though Gcaptain has been an invaluable tool in this project, this is still my first post, and I [I]think [/I]I put this post in the right place (I never was good with forums.) I recently was accepted into the California Maritime Academy, and though I’m still waiting on a reply from the Naval and Coast Guard Academies I’m rather certain I’m going to end up in the deck watch department somewhere. The more I research the profession of harbor pilot, the more I realize this is a job I’m probably going to get when I’m in my 40s or 50s.
Anywho I chose to to this project on being a Harbor pilot before I knew I was supposed to preform some sort interview with someone in the field. It’d be a lot easier to find a manager to interview rather than a harbor pilot, given there are sixty-ish in San Francisco and I have no idea how I would find one. It doesn’t seem that there are loads of mariners floating about the internet either, thus I find myself here. Nonetheless if you happen to be/have been a Harbor pilot, or some rank of deck watch officer if you could answer these questions I would be so great full.
1A. What job did/do you have?
- Why is your temperament/personality suited to this career?
- What school or training did you go through to get this job?
- What things about the job do you like the most? Least?
- What is the salary? ( I could understand if you wanted to withhold on this one)
- Did the job measure up to the expectations you had before you entered the career?
- How does the maritime field work with raising a family? Are more people single, or do they find shore jobs when they decide to get married and have kids?
- Realistically, how old is someone who becomes a Harbor pilot?
Thank you again.