Last week I passed all of my 3A/E exams. I have been working ten years deep sea for this. And now I have to sit and wait for the evaluator to get the ball rolling on printing and send it to me. Right after I passed my last exam I went right over to the local MEBA hall to sign up with them but will need to wait till I get my MMC in hand.
I am no a fan of the new NMC setup. I remember when I took my QMED’s my evaluator sent me out for a cup of coffee and said it we be about an hour to have my documents all printed out and I was able to go home that day with all of my new stuff. The coast guard needs to get out of this industry or at least start to get there priority’s straight as to how they are trying to help us…
Thanks for the flashback. There was something so satisfying and rewarding in finishing that last test and knowing that in a just a short time you would walk out of that office a foot off the floor with your new future in your hands.
It wasn’t “instant gratification” it took a long time to earn that piece of paper and taking it home with you was “timely satisfaction.”
[quote=cape cod night;19737]Last week I passed all of my 3A/E exams. I have been working ten years deep sea for this. And now I have to sit and wait for the evaluator to get the ball rolling on printing and send it to me. Right after I passed my last exam I went right over to the local MEBA hall to sign up with them but will need to wait till I get my MMC in hand.
I am no a fan of the new NMC setup. I remember when I took my QMED’s my evaluator sent me out for a cup of coffee and said it we be about an hour to have my documents all printed out and I was able to go home that day with all of my new stuff. The coast guard needs to get out of this industry or at least start to get there priority’s straight as to how they are trying to help us…
Rant over.[/quote]
How long have you been waiting? The MMC is printed the same or next business day after the exams are passed? Is the basis of your rant that you couldn’t walk out of the REC with the MMC, but have to wait 3-4 days to get it in the mail?
It was my experience in September at Memphis REC, they told me that 2-3 weeks after testing the mariner will have the MMC in hand. They were right on the money, 18 days.
Same here . . . finished testing on a Tuesday and it was the next Saturday before anything showed up at my house. BTW, I was sailing and therefore didn’t get it in my hands for another 45 days! I liked walking out of the building with something in your HAND!
Update… still no MMC! I had to take the MED PRO course at MITAGS to get the stcw95 endorsement. So I took the course the week of Nov 9th-13th. I faxed the certificate to the NMC on the 13th and called on the 16th to conform that they received it and it was acceptable, and it was. They explained that the evaluator had one week to review it and move forward with it. So I gave her the week, all along following on homeport to see it progress to no prevail. So I called yesterday morning to find out why there is still no progress on my MMC and got fed another line of poo.
So I decided to pull out the first line of the big guns. This morning I went over to my congressman’s office and explained my situation and showed all of my paperwork with dates and true time line of discouragement. I’m lucky that our local rep is on the comity that oversees the coast guard. He told me that they have an inside guy at the NMC that works for congressman that he will have work on expediting this today.