God Bless you Rob!

obviously, this is your tribute to American labor during yesterday’s holiday and I thank you most sincerely for it

[B]Shipbuilding in the 1940s – When the Slumbering American Industrial Giant Woke Up[/B]
By Rob Almeida On September 1, 2014


More than 747 vessels were built at the four Richmond Kaiser Shipyards on the west coast of the United States during World War II. These yards sent a new Liberty ship down the ways every 50 days or so using mass assembly line techniques and pre-made parts.

During a special competition between the yards, one of the Richmond shipyards constructed the Liberty ship Robert E. Peary in 4 days, 15 hours and 29 minutes after the keel was laid down at the number 2 yard.

The following video provides an in-depth look at the Richmond shipyards (located in the city of Richmond, California) and the role they played during World War II. The film not only looks at the ship building process, but also the massive workforce and the logistics of meeting their day to day needs for housing, food and transport.

The four Richmond Shipyards were run by Permanente Metals and part of the Kaiser Shipyards, and were responsible for constructing more ships during World War II than any other shipyard in the country.

I’ve visited the site of there the Richmond #2 yard was located and today it is nothing but condominiums and pleasure boats. Although I know it was an emergency yard not intended to continue in operation after the War ended, it seems so sad that so much of our history would just disappear forever like it did. I have nothing but awe and amazement at the feats of production which our Nation was able to accomplish three generations ago. I am so happy another here also wishes to pay homage to the men and women who built the “Arsenal of Democracy”. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Isoruku Yamamoto had it so right when he stated:

In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.

The sleeping giant quote apparently was never made by him but continues to be attributed to the man and many feel it is accurate to his feelings on attacking the US. The quote above is the closest available to show that the man knew the US was going to massively outproduce Japan and with a terrible resolve was going to pursue their enemy till the bitter end. We got a lucky break early with lopsided Midway victory so quickly after the war started, but the naval battles in Guadalcanal waters shows the Japanese navy was strong and capable. Had they been able to build ships to replace their losses they would have been able to challenge us for many more years afterwards for contest of the Pacific, yet once their losses mounted and could not be made good, they were on a relentless path to ultimate defeat. Credit American LABOR for that!

Let’s not forget Henry J.'s contribution to health care for those 90,000 shipyard workers. He understood full well that a healthy employee was a productive employee and making health care available was a good inducement to attract quality workers.

It takes more than ships, tanks, and guns to win a war, it takes a healthy, motivated workforce who believe they are part of the solution rather than being treated as if they are the problem … ala the anti Jones Act scum.