Faststream Launches Seagoing Recruitment

We are very excited to announce that gCaptain’s strongest supporter, Faststream, has a new announcement… Maritime Seagoing Recruitment!

You may have noticed their banner at the top of each forum page. Unlike other forums we do not charge our readers any money to use gCaptain but, like every well built site, it is certainly not free to run. Faststream is the one paying the bills and is responsible covering the cost of our new forum software which, if you are new to the site, has been a huge improvement over the free software we were previously using.

As you are all very much aware, maritime recruiters have a bad name, give you mixed results, require exclusivity agreements and charge large fees. Faststream, being run by mariners, puts these responsibility on the ship owner assuring that you are provided with the best service available.

Please help support those who support this forum and head over and read their press release. We’ll be adding them, along with our good friend Kelly Sweeney, to the short list of people we know and trust to find you a job aboard ship.

Our promise to you… call them up and talk to a recruiter then post your experience to this thread and if you ever have a problem we’ll ask them to fix it or pull pull their ad from this site. We fully expect, however, that the comments received will be overwhelmingly positive!