FAA‘s NOTAM system in the US fails

Another problem for air travel, including mariners wanting to join or get home.

On January 11, 2023, at 12:23 UTC, the FAA ordered all airlines to halt domestic departures in the US until at least 9:30 AM Eastern (14:30 UTC) to “validate the integrity of flight and safety information”

This is all probably because the computer system revolted at calling NOTAMs Notices To Air Missions instead of Notices To Airmen :roll_eyes:

  • I thought this was going to be a rant about the decades-long issue with NOTAMs burying you in trivia and making you hunt for the one important issue in the pile and why this was on here, “NOTAMs are broken” is the theme of many a complaint.

just kidding



HAL was clearly male

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