C-INSTALLER fitting out at North American shipyard in Larose,Louisiana.
Looks pretty good to me. opinions???
Whats up with the semi Harvey stripe?
Well, at least its not frowning. Lol!!
One good looking ship. Same design as Blue Orca right? I believe the days of calling what everyone is building “boats” is over! What we are building now are “ships”. Are they building more of these?
[QUOTE=SouthboundSailor;127973]One good looking ship. Same design as Blue Orca right? I believe the days of calling what everyone is building “boats” is over! What we are building now are “ships”. Are they building more of these?[/QUOTE]
sad to say that while “ship” in size, they are still manned and operated as “boats” and will continue to be as long as OMSA has its way…super large OSVs of 10000 or more GRT are certainly coming and will not be run in any way different that any large OSV whiich is not operated any different than any other OSV.
So sayeth the Bayoo mafia!
[QUOTE=“SouthboundSailor;127973”]One good looking ship. Same design as Blue Orca right? I believe the days of calling what everyone is building “boats” is over! What we are building now are “ships”. Are they building more of these?[/QUOTE]
All the new Chouest boats will be this design, including the OSV’s. The last old style boat is coming out this week.
Solid design and far more versatile market being able to take weather resembling North Sea Cond. Do Y’all think these things mah be able to work in thr Harsh Env of the NW and NE where they will probably end up one day? My prayer for 2014…“May Shell succeed in its endeavor to safely accomplish its plan to drill wells in the Chukchi sea during the 2014 season” . Most mariners down here seem to overlook the importance of this monumental campaign and its effect on the Gulf Market. My co workers look at the Nanuq and Siduaq and think they are just another boat. How wrong they are. Maybe Chouest will not put the fuel vents on the deck this time haha .
Also they might realize that they need Logistical support on the ground in Barrow provided by Ak Veterans Instead of Academy/ GoM pencil pushers in Anchorage. The real challenge here is mob/DE-MOB a large Arctic fleet in 3 months . Here we go again…crunch time. Perhaps they will hire some local knowledge, wishful thinking?
Yes, the academy guys screwed that up…
Anyway, people can’t bitch about ugly, US built, oil field boats anymore if the OSVs are going to look like that. That is sharp looking and it looks like it should be able to handle seas nicely, those 2 drop downs will be a huge help. I see it’s 6000 tons, any other info on it?
[QUOTE=KrustySalt;127997]Anyway, people can’t bitch about ugly, US built, oil field boats anymore…[/QUOTE]
I can bitch all day. It’s just a box.
Yea well knock yourself out…
Its a proven Ulstein design and can work in any environment globally, with the exception of heavy ice breaking.
I was kind I hoping that they would move away from tires dangling off the side with this new design.
The OSV house is a cross, has the old style stacks and octagonal bridge. From there down it is more like this.
Sweet looking bottom. I love a flat bottom boat!!!
I don’t ever see anyone calling out the flat bottoms of tankers…
[QUOTE=justaboatdriver;128089]I don’t ever see anyone calling out the flat bottoms of tankers…[/QUOTE]
Really? Yes Tankermen indeed LOVE riding out weather in ballast.
[QUOTE=z-drive;128109]Really? Yes Tankermen indeed LOVE riding out weather in ballast.[/QUOTE]
Be glad for Ballast, it was really fun trying to sleep before they had it!
Oh for God’s sake, all you Chouest experts. He said she said etc. Why don’t you all pack your bags and go to Harvey. Most of you have less than 2-3 years down here-green you are.
Just to rain on your parade.
This is a ship: http://www.skipsfarts-forum.net/read.php?TID=10823
A flat bottom is not that bad if the ship has installed antiroll tank in the superstructure.
According to your profile you are an ab, is that correct?