Drug test question!

Hello my fellow Mariner, I have a question to ask you guys about the drug test. I have done my research but I’m not 100% satisfy with what I found. I started taking a pill called Epidrol for weight lifting is a supplement to harder muscle and gain mass. In the bottle it says that if drug test it will come out positive for pro enhancing drugs. ( steroids ) but what I have read the coast guard/ DOT drug test don’t really focus on those result. They only care if you have Marijuana metabolites, Cocaine metabolites, Amphetamines, Opiate metabolites, Phencyclidine (PCP) and that’s it. I don’t want to lose my job for taking a LEGAL supplement that sell over the counter at GNC if something do come out positive about steroids. I’m schedule to get back to work in the end of this month, what should I do guys, have you guys heard of something similar like this ? Thanks guys…

They only test for the five substances you mentioned. You can poison yourself all you want with that crap.

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In the federal work place you can be tested for other banned substances upon reasonable suspicion. Being big, cut and angry is not reasonable suspicion. Dropping a bottle of testosterone and a needle in front of the tester is.

If you fail a test for a banned substance the testing agency will contact you for any mitigating information. For example, if you test positive for meth they will ask what medications you are on. If you have an active prescription for a common ADD drug that the prescribing doctor and pharmacy can verify and the levels are within the range expected for someone on that medication you are passed.

(Medical weed is a fail no matter what.)

Best to list all medications and supplements on your drug test form and don’t worry as long as its legal.

Watch out for any hemp oil products as well. They can spike a high enough ng count for THC on urinalysis. They will show on any hair follicle tests as very low levels show on those. When these products first came out some people got a pass on it but I think these days they expect you to be aware of it.

Make sure your company hasn’t listed it as banned either. You might not loose your license but you could still loose your job

[QUOTE=Traitor Yankee;101657]Make sure your company hasn’t listed it as banned either. You might not loose your license but you could still loose your job[/QUOTE]

Now companies are making lists of legal medications that are banned for their employees?

USCG does it too. Chantix is proscribed but legal.

Khuuhh…huh ! What was the question again ? :cool:

When they test you with that drug the only thing they will say is you have more hormones than a women…are you sure you shouldn’t be wearing a dress

[QUOTE=beekerbetter;101656]Watch out for any hemp oil products as well. They can spike a high enough ng count for THC on urinalysis. They will show on any hair follicle tests as very low levels show on those. When these products first came out some people got a pass on it but I think these days they expect you to be aware of it.[/QUOTE]

Do any maritime companies conduct hair testing? I have done dozens of drug tests, both pre-employment and random, and they have always been the DOT 5-Panel test.

Some of the oil companies do hair tests. I don’t know if any boat companies do. The USCG will not use a hair test because it has not been proven reliable enough for them.

The USCG has a list of prohibited medication, but the list is not readily available. It certainly should be. It ought to be published in the CFR, or the USCG should not be allowed to have the list. Secret lists are an unfair trap for the unwary

Boat companies should not be allowed to prohibit any medication, or test for any medication, that is not on the USCG published list. Secret lists are a an unfair trap for the unwary.

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I would avoid the CBD oils and any other product even remotely related to hemp or marijuana. Seen someone get popped after using a topical cream. You don’t know how they are made or what the quality control is, or if there is cross contamination in the manufacturing equipment. Is it worth your livelihood?

OP should be okay, but be sure you know how your body reacts to your supplement before you go offshore with it and end up with a problem like a cardiac arrythmia.

Stop juicing bro.