[QUOTE=Lee Shore;187930]I don’t remember being in anything lower than 39% bracket but we have a ridiculously convoluted tax system so it doesn’t mean I pay 39% of my income in taxes. We have a zillion tax deductions to explore and experiment with. And we have scammers who know how to siphon off the system as I am sure you do.[/QUOTE]
It is also a matter of what you get back for your tax $$ in the form of services and benefits.
If you pay only 10% of your income in pure taxes, but still have to pay for health insurance, education for your kids and secure your own pension through private institutions, this may add up to more than 30% in total.
If you rely upon your employer to cover you, you may find that there is no employer one day, as many in the Marine industry do right now.
In the Norwegian system you are covered from “cradle to grave”, even if you are not able to take care of yourself for whatever reason. There is no such thing as “self-inflicted”, or “pre-existing condition”, to let your insurer off the hook.
As one that hasn’t lived in Norway, nor paid taxes to Norway, for most part of my live, I do not reap the same benefits as those who have, but that only fair. I have lived in a system somewhere between that of the US and the European socialized system. I do not complain.
Now that I’m a resident I’m entitled to some of the benefits, like near free health care, with a minimal contribution in the form of tax on my pension. (Thanks heaven I’m not in need of any at the moment)
This applies even if I am not able to find work. I cannot claim unemployment benefits, though, since I haven’t worked in Norway for many years.
Like all system, it works best if you fit neatly into a “box”. If not you have to take it as it comes.
[QUOTE=DeckApe;188046]Notice what the top countries share in common? In general: smaller populations, weak militaries, easy to invade and have been overrun or saved from being overrun in the recent century.
[B]Once President Trump ([I]is able to[/I])withdraws the United States from NATO,[/B] abandons Syria to our new friend Vladimir and financial instability and military insecurity take hold across the continent let’s revisit that ranking. You know, once Norway has to spend your tax dollars on defense and not Tesla car chargers. Just sayin…[/QUOTE]
Let’s hope that day NEVER comes.[B][/B]