[B]Date Decided[/B]: Apr 20th, 2009
[B]Decided By[/B]: New Jersey District Court (Federal)
[B]Court[/B]: U.S.D.C. of New Jersey
[B]Citation[/B]: Collick v. Weeks Marine, Inc., 2009 WL 1058068 (D. N.J. 2009)
Joseph Collick served as a construction worker forWeeks Marine, Inc (“Weeks”). Hesustained an injury while he was working on a naval pier. Weeks voluntarily paid medical and wagebenefits under the LHWCA. Collick filed aclaim to recover compensation benefits from Weeks with the Office of Workers’Compensation Programs and listed his occupation as dockbuilder. In addition to this, Weeks filed suit againstWeeks under the Jones Act and the general maritime law. Weeks then terminated the payments it wasmaking to Collick under the LHWCA benefits scheme. In response, Collick filed a motion to compelWeeks to continue paying him benefits under the LHWCA, or in the alternative,to compel Weeks to pay him maintenance and cure. Read More…